
What is a humanist?

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  1. Someone who studies the species of human.

  2. The position of a humanist is that a person has control over his own behavior. The Humanist allows a person freedom of choice, and is responsible for his own self-direction. Making one’s own choices will lead to a progression of personal growth and a more positive view of oneself. Stressing that anxiety is a motivating force for change, the Humanist believes that the change will result in a more independent and complete life.

    As the Humanist views it, a person’s goal is to appreciate life, to assess his purpose in life, and to accept this purpose. Death should not concern the Humanist, since death only is an end to a complete life. Humanists do not believe in life after death, or eternal life.

  3. Someone who believes anything goes.  If it feels good do it...

  4. It's the name of a group of ethical atheists. Essentially, they believe that the only heaven we'll ever know is one that is of our own making on Earth, so they are very into programs to improve medical care and education, that kind of thing. usually they think religion is just something for people to fight about, and unnecessary to morality.

    It's partly pragmatic as well as altruistic. The better social conditions are for the underprivileged, the less likely I will be personally to be a victim of their crimes, or dragged into wars started by uneducated religious nuts.
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