
What is a jury selection?

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What is a jury selection?

My friends got a letter saying that she needs to appear for a jury selection.




  1. Your friend has been picked for a jury panel. Jury panels consist of 80 to 300 people in a pool for the court to pick a jury for a trial. That process is called a Jury selection

  2. That's when your friend---along with a lot of others has to fill out paperwork at the court in reference to how they feel about things, i.e. the death penalty.  Both, the defense and the prosecution then evaluate the prospective jurors by sight only, getting a first impression.  Once the paperwork is in, the selction starts by getting interviewed by prosecution and then by defense.  If a prospective juror has been accepted by both, the prosecution and the defense, the prospective juror then will be called for jury duty at a trial....

  3. It is where you have to go to court and both sides interview you and decide if they select you for the jury panel.

  4. You sit in a room with 200 people.  They need 6 people for each case  (12 for murder).   Sometimes they reject a person for a case.  Maybe they don't want a person who works as a policeman to be on a "shoplifting" case jury.  As the days cases are filled, the remaining jurors can go home.  They never use up all 200 people.  There was an article in the paper once where the judge sent the court Bailiff out onto the street to grab people off the street to serve on a jury.  That is legal.

    I was on a jury and it was very fun.  We had to decide if this guy was drunk when he drove his car off the road or was he sober.  His lawyer said he was just tired.

  5. It is where they will inquire about your friend to see if they want her/him on their jury.  Usually they want to know what you do and if you have heard about a certain case that is coming up...basically to see what you know about the case prior to the testimony and such.

  6. Hopefully, to get a panel of citizens who will judge your case on a fair and reasonable basis!

  7. You go to the courthouse in response to the summons

    you sit in a room with a lot of other potential jurors all day long

    if you are called for a jury panel you will fill out a form answering questions pertaining to your life style, thoughts, etc.

    if you are not excused because of answers on that questionnaire, you will be asked to answer questions by the attorneys for the defendant and plaintiff, and sometimes the judge

    if they like what they hear they may choose you to be on a jury

    if they don't they will excuse you

    you then return to the jury room and wait for the rest of the day to possibly be called to another jury or you go home at the end of the day

    your one day or one trial duty has been served

    you receive one day's pay and mileage

  8. Such a notice means that your friend must appear for potential duty as a juror. There is no way of telling whether on not a person so summoned will actually serve, or be selected to serve on a jury.

    A large pool of people are brought in to the courthouse each day to be available for trials. Some are selected for jury duty and some are not. There is no way to tell which way the coin will flip for your friend.

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