
What is a more interesting question...?

by  |  earlier

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One about the environment or what is the latest hollywood gossip?




  1. Hmmmm! i just love hearing all the gossip but for me the environment is much more interesting.

  2. Post this in a gossip section and see what answers you get. You already knew what you would get when you posted under "Environment", didn't you?

  3. The environment is definitely more interesting

  4. They both sound fine to me.

  5. Hows it hangin'???

  6. That's a hard one i love all that Hollywood gossip but the environment question is more interesting i suppose

  7. environment. i wud think u want us to pick environment because this is in the environment section

  8. Mmmm... I love celebrity gossip, but I care about the environment. I have to say environment.

  9. I vote for the Environment ... Hollywood gossip bores me.

  10. environment

    Bty I love you icon i love Ruffian

  11. Environment
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