
What is a queefing sausage wallet?

by  |  earlier

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is that like a barking spam purse ?




  1. KIAs snatch

  2. When the owner of one of these does a split, a spatula is required to break the air-tight seal between her and the floor and free her.  I have a fold-up camping spatula on my Swiss Army knife.

    Bon Appetite....

  3.'s KIA's Va Jay Jay. Hers makes noises...I guess.

  4. Wal-Mart grocery sack

    (that;'s how I bring home my sausage...bacon too.)

  5. i think its a farting v****a

    << i'm so gross. i hate myself for this answer

  6. a v****a that makes noise? gross.

    don't know what what a barking spam purse is though.

  7. No its more like a squawking chicken f***y pack....♥

  8. i think it's the 'phrase of the day'.

    i want to ask

    " Help me , my sausage wallet won't q***f. what should i do?",

    but i'm afraid to.

  9. its the v****a of a lady who practices her kegels 24/7

    while it may not be the quietest v****a on the planet, it can suck the spurm out of a p****r in 1.9 seconds/

  10. After seeing DR. KIA's answer..... I have none. I'm just happy that my v****a does not make any noise.

  11. Dr. Kia Knows....

    Want Some of That !

  12. huh?

  13. OMG!!!  Now I believe I have EVERY name for a woman's stuff!!  That's funny and disgusting all at the same time.

    Is this ANYTHING like a really small sausage that can't fill a petite wallet that's in need of a deposit so it announces it's inadequacies to all around in an audible way?

    Sandy  :O)

  14. i dont get it.

  15. That's classy lady speak for vag.

  16. No fair!!  I had to repost my question and leave out the q***f part.

  17. I think it's the same thing as a squelching oyster.

  18. LMAO!  I have to remember that one

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