
What is a really mysterious quote?

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a rly mysterious quote that makes you wanna repeat it over and over again such as " have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight" or something like that. something i can take to heart and think about alot. feel free to put multiple answers if u want




  1. The best i could do:

    To the world you may be just one person,

    but to one person you may be the world.

    Remember, you are braver than you believe,

         You are stronger than you seem,

         And you are smarter than you think.

    What's meant to be will always find a way.

    Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours

    Life isn't about how many breaths you
's about the times you have your

         breath taken away

    There's nothing scarier than getting what you want, because that's when you really have something to lose

    When you least expect it, something great might come along.  Something better than you ever planned for.

    Never forget yesterday, but always live for today...Cause you never know what tomorrow can bring, Or what it can take away...

    For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

    Isn't it better to cling to the dream of what could have been, than to ruin everything with reality?

  2. the absence of evidence isnt the evidence of absence

  3. "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”

    "Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”

    "Human beings, vegetables, or comic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player”

  4. 1. "A withering rose is deeper than  the deepest water"

    2. "Ashes of memories from a sweet sunburn"

    3. "Roses are red in the light, but black at night"

      (these are lines from poems that i make)

  5. There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.  ~Joseph Conrad

    How like a queen comes forth the lonely Moon

    From the slow opening curtains of the clouds

    Walking in beauty to her midnight throne!

    ~George Croly

    A house is never still in darkness to those who listen intently; there is a whispering in distant chambers, an unearthly hand presses the snib of the window, the latch rises.

    The starless sky laments black and unmoving.  The somber hues of an ominous, dark forest are suddenly illuminated under the emerging face of the full moon.  ~Kim Elizabeth

    Men say that in this midnight hour,

    The disembodièd have power

    To wander as it liketh them,

    By wizard oak and fairy stream.

    ~William Motherwell

    From ghoulies and ghosties

    And long-leggedy beasties

    And things that go bump in the night,

    Good Lord, deliver us!

    ~Scottish Saying

    At first c**k-crow the ghosts must go

    Back to their quiet graves below.

    ~Theodosia Garrison

    'Tis now the very witching time of night,

    When churchyards yawn and h**l itself breathes out

    Contagion to this world.

    ~William Shakespeare

    Pixie, kobold, elf, and sprite,

    All are on their rounds tonight;

    In the wan moon's silver ray,

    Thrives their helter-skelter play.


    This is a true story....very freaky!

    Yeah, I bought a murder house on purpose. Not Amityville Horror kind of haunted, just "things that go bump in the night" haunted. I actually knew that the previous owner had been murdered there, but the thought didn't bother me. The fact that someone had been murdered there brought the price of the house into a range where I could afford it, rather than having to walk away. I wasn't concerned about the murder. Since I'm originally from Los Angeles, weird things have never particularly phased me. There are lots of weird things in L.A., so why should living in a house where someone was murdered bother me? After all, I have never really believed in stories of hauntings.

    Anyway, I bought my house about three years ago now. At the time I made an offer on it the real estate agent seemed very surprised, shuffled his feet a bit and said "There's something I have to disclose to you if you intend to buy this house." He proceeded to inform me that the former owner was murdered and that was the reason the house was so cheap and had been on the market so long. Apparently there are laws in some states that require the seller to disclose this type of information. This house had been on the market nearly a year for no reason other than someone had been killed there. It seems other people are more squeamish about such things than I am.

    I bought the house anyway, for about 75% of its appraised value. A real steal, in my opinion. The "ghost" began visiting about a month after we moved in. Initially, she made herself known by making a loud slamming noise against the wall in one particular spot. Sounds just like someone taking a Louisville Slugger and hitting the wall, hard as they can. It's always in the same spot on the same wall. There's nothing in or behind that wall that can account for the noise.

    After we opened up the previously blocked-off attic and started to do work upstairs, we started hearing footsteps up there -- steps that sounded like hard-heeled shoes on a wooden floor. Thing is, there's no floor in the attic yet. It's open beams with insulation. Interesting how that sound can come from the attic when there's nothing up there to make that kind of noise. Sometimes we come home and find the television on, when we hadn't left it that way. We've never actually seen our resident spook, nor has anything been moved. It's kind of odd, but not scary. The scariest thing is when she slams the wall really hard because it's a very startlingly loud noise. More than once I've been woken from a sound sleep by that bang.

    I did some research a year or so ago, and found out the name of the murdered woman, and the circumstances under which she'd been killed. Turns out she was bludgeoned to death by her plumber, who looted the house and went out to buy a hooker and some crack afterwards. He got about $90 from her.

    The room where we hear the slamming noise is the room where she was killed. Is this all coincidence? I don't know. Maybe we're having mutual hallucinatory episodes where we're imagining these things happening. Maybe our house is haunted. Maybe our house has a resident other than us, but it's not the spirit of a dead person. Who knows?

    My family has differing opinions about my house's extra occupant. My daughter dislikes to be alone in the house even though she's 21 years old and she's never heard anything while she's there. My 18-yr-old son laughs and says "Cool!" and has a vid-cam ready in case he sees anything. My parents tell me it's the devil manifesting himself in my house because I'm a atheist and god is angry with me. Whatever...

    We've never seen the ghost, which is probably good. It might disturb me a bit getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom only to find a ghost wandering about the house. The really humorous thing about this whole situation is that before I moved into this house I would have laughed at anyone else who said there was a ghost in their house. Looks like the joke's on me.

    Is it a ghost in terms of how that word is typically defined? I would hope not. It would seem rather sad to think that the spirit of a poor murdered woman was condemned to hang out at my house forever with nothing more to amuse herself than making loud noises and watching television. But if it's not a ghost, then what is it? I'd also hate to think that I'm hallucinating. I don't mind this thing being in my house as long as she limits herself to just being noisy. But I sure would like to know just what it is.

    Let these words run around in your head for awhile.

    But if it's not a ghost, then what is it? I'd also hate to think that I'm hallucinating. I don't mind this thing being in my house as long as she limits herself to just being noisy But I sure would like to know just what it is.

    Everyone of those lines stands alone as super freaky to me, especially "I don't mind this thing being in my house as long as she limits herself to just being noisy."

  6. Err, maybe this isn't so mysterious, but I don't know what it means:

    Somebody once told me, the world is gonna roll me

  7. Where'er we tread

    Tis haunted, holy ground

  8. "I know why the caged bird sings." Maya Angelou's

    "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Carl Sagan

    "But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."  Carl Sagan

    "I have never let may education stand in the way of learning." Mark Twain

  9. 'I don't want to believe, I want to know.' -Carl Sagan

    'The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.' - Stendhal

    A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

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