
What is a scratched case??

by  |  earlier

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i had to go to court for some stuff but when i got there some lady on a computer told me that my case had been scratched cause the county attorneys office hadn't filed some papers or something. im not sure what she said

all i know is a judge wouldnt be hearing my case that day. and that they have like up to 7 years to do what ever it is they didnt do.

and i havent heard anything since. this was like in april




  1. Basically, they used a term that meant paperwork was either misfiled or not filed within the proper time frame and the case was dropped due to a technicality.

    I would check back in a month, but unless the DA can find other charges related to this that can be brought up, you just won by default and the issue is dead.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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