
What is a sister city relationship?

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I have a basic idea about it. I was just wondering what the aim of it is, how it works and how it helps to build a relationship between the two cities. As much detail as possible please.

(I've been looking EVERYWHERE for information but i find it very hard to find much info about it)




  1. Town twinning is a concept whereby towns or cities in geographically and politically distinct areas are paired, with the goal of fostering human contact and cultural links. In the European Union, such pairs of towns are known as friendship towns or partner towns and twin towns in the UK. In North America, India, Australasia and Asia, the term sister cities is used for the same concept and brother cities is the term in the former Soviet bloc. Sister cities often (though by no means always) have similar demographic and other characteristics. Sometimes, even larger areas enter into "twinning" agreements, such as that between the provinces of Hainan in China and Jeju in South Korea.

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