
What is a sociopath?

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there was one on csi the other night and i just need someone to clarify that for me.




  1. you wouldnt want to be 1 there mad

  2. People who deceives, takes what they wants, and hurts people without any remorse.

  3. an antisocial person and lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

  4. (I had to reach for my psychiatric dictionary to find the term. since I do not remember)  ah, here we are; A term that designates the Psychopathic  Personality, since the symptoms of psychopathology are manifested in the field of social behavior.

  5. a person who tries to get others to act in a way that is favorable to themselves through manipulation, lying or deciet

  6. This can get pretty complicated, but basically, an extremely anti-social person. Anti-social doesn't mean though that they refuse to interact with anyone else, it means that their interactions are often fraught with ulterior motive and the intent to physically or emotionally hurt other people.

    Sociopaths are sometimes extremely good at talking to people and making other people believe and trust them, when in fact the sociopath is purposely lying and manipulating  the person.  There can be a reason for the manipulation, or it can be just because they are capable of it and they seem to get joy out of other people's pain.

    They are often a danger to other people, as they can willingly lie, betray and physically hurt others with absolutely no remorse. They are also a danger to themselves, as they will also hurt themselves and do whatever is necessary to control others and make them believe the sociopath.

    Sociopaths are very good at understanding human emotions and reactions, which is why they are very good at manipulation, but are basically devoid of any of these emotions themselves. It's quite scary :(
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