
What is a special envoy?

by  |  earlier

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For example, President Bush sent his special envoy to do this and that. I need that definition of a special envoy.




  1. It's an ambassadorial appointment, and it occurs when troublesome or unusual circumstances arise between nations.

    The special envoy is a diplomatic way of saying, here's a representative, focussed on this particular issue. Let's talk this out and see if we can come to an understanding.

    It's a very good thing in spirit. The problems are when special envoys go with hidden agendas. Then we enter into the realm of propaganda and covert activity.

  2. Well I think we would have to think about that one....May be he should be called a "Stooge " or decoy..take your pick..! Its just another job in place of what they do not want to do...!!

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