
What is a style sheet??

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What is a style sheet??

I'm trying to make a myspace like myspacegoodies, tedylyts etc.

i asked people what a style sheet was and i didn't understand at all,

is there a way that you could explain to me what a style sheet is, that is easy to understand?

thanks : )




  1. the stylesheet is like the "layout of the layout". it's like how the layout is formatted. it's like how the layout is arranged. to edit a stylesheet you could change colors, fonts, and stuff.  

  2. html elements have common attributes associated with each type of element.  like font properties, colors, height, width, etc.  they vary according to the element.  we used to code all the attributes right into the page.  now with a style sheet you put only a reference to a name of a class defined in the stylesheet in the element and define the exact style in the stylesheet file.  this way you can change the look of a page without changing the content of the page and also "inherit" the style in all your pages.

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