
What is a televison?

by  |  earlier

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  2. Is eletronic device that receive images from electromagnectic waves.

  3. tv

  4. It`s a vision of a talking transvestite.

  5. A TV; a device which brings waves from antennas or cable to it.

    Something that can occupy you with news, sports, movies, game shows, talk shows, reality shows, soap operas, history, learning, and a lot more.


  7. a object simular to the screen that you posted this question on! it is used to view movies ,sporting events,& wolds news etc!

  8. no offence but ahhhhhhhh, he doesn't know wat a telly is!

    any way a television is a big (or small) box that shows t.v. programs!   :)    soz it aint a gd detailed descripition but i aint all dat smart!    soz :(

  9. ah, it's like having a vision of a tele-bear.

  10. it is a electrical device which brings images and animation on a screen! it is entertaining and worth the money!

  11. i think your question is one big joke that a lot of people fell for----do i get the points?

  12. a television is a tv ....................................

    you watch movies

    you watch shows

    [are you from B.C      ????????????????????]

  13. it's a box that you can watch movies, shows on.

  14. Television is a widely used telecommunication medium for broadcasting and receiving live, moving greyscale or color images with sound. The term may also be used to refer specifically to a television set, programming or television transmission. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far sight": Greek tele (τῆλε), far, and Latin vision, sight (from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person).


    A Television set (usually called a Television or TV set or simply just TV) is device used to to view television broadcasts, not to be confused with monitors, which are unable to independently tune into over-the-air broadcasts.

    Seriously, where the h**l have you been?


  15. is a widely used telecommunication medium for broadcasting and receiving live, moving greyscale or color images with sound. The term may also be used to refer specifically to a television set, programming or television transmission. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far sight": Greek tele (τῆλε), far, and Latin vision, sight (from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person).

    Commercially available since the late 1930s, the television set has become a common household communications device in homes and institutions, particularly as a source of entertainment and news. Since the 1970s, video recordings on tape and later, digital playback systems such as DVDs, have enabled the television to be used to view recorded movies and other programs.

    A television system may be made up of multiple components, so a screen which lacks an internal tuner to receive the broadcast signals is called a monitor rather than a television. A television may be built to receive different broadcast or video formats, such as high-definition television, commonly referred to as HDTV.

  16. It's a box full of moving people.

    hillbilly .

  17. something that plays moving pictures and makes sound

  18. 1: an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound over a wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound

    2: a television receiving set

    3 a: the television broadcasting industry b: television as a medium of communication

  19. It's just something along with my PC to pass time for me, since I live alone and getting old.

  20. a tv u know like a box that pictures appear on...
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