
What is a welfare queen?

by  |  earlier

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Heard it on T.V. today.




  1. Someone who's very lucky, everything they touch appears in gold(also a matter of saying).

  2. From Urban Dictionary:

    "A woman, regardless of race who is living off the welfare system purely because of laziness and not due to any real need.

    She could have a job but she is a welfare queen. "

  3. My definition would be different.  It would be someone who is receiving government support (i.e. - Welfare in the USA) but who does not deserve those benefits.    

    A Welfare Queen is someone who is playing the system for all sorts of benefits that they are not entitled to receive.  The WQ might claim extra dependent children that don't exist, claim to be too ill to work, create multiple identities to get more $$.  Sad, isn't it.

  4. A lady  who concerns  goodness,care,wellness and

    welfare for all without any discrimination,of s*x,race,caste,creed etc.

  5. Someone like me.

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