
What is accent reduction ?

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  1. uhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?! the reduction of an accent?!?!

  2. As a teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), I often deal with this.  Many people learn to speak a second or third language.  But even so, they may have trouble communicating because they still have an accent from their first language.  This is usually because they learned the later language as an adult.  They may undergo special training or classes to focus only on pronouncing the new language more like a native.  This is accent reduction for the purpose of better communication.

    A second reason for accent reduction is when you move to a different area within your own country.  Certain accents can make things difficult.  In the U.S. people of one region sometimes have prejudices against people from other areas.  If you move and carry an accent, you may face prejudice because of that.  Say you move from the South to California.  People in California generally think Southerners are less intelligent.  So you will be at disadvantage in looking for a job or in going for promotions.  The same will be true if you move to California with a strong New York accent.  So people will take accent reduction classes to remove those social barriers.  It is unfortunate, but it affects their lives, so that's what they do.

  3. for example -  a scottish person would hav an acent reduction after they lived in england for a few years

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