
What is an {Ahmadi}?

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is it an islamic section like Sunni,Shia?




  1. I am saddened by people like Sister Maria (A Evergreen) whom I have humbly admonished numerous times that what she preaches about Islam Ahmadiyyat is nothing but mere lies and only propels hatred.  If she truly loves Allah, I would humbly request her again to stop spreading lies.  May Allah bless you sister Maria.

    Ahmadi Muslims are those Muslims who belive that Imam Mahdi and Messih has come in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).  He did not add or delete even one iota to the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah.  He taught Islam exactly per the teachings of the Holy Prophet (sa).  Let there be no doubt in this.

    As with any Messenger of Allah, those who have accepted Hazrat Ahmad (as) have faced persecution while numerous lies about them are spread.

    People such as Maria A (Evergreen) profess to have knowledge about Islam Ahmadiyyat but I assure you she has never once read about Islam Ahmadiyyat from an Ahmadi Muslim.  Rather, I can gaurantee you she found her information from a hate website.

    Would you like to learn Islam from a Christian who hates Muhammad (sa)?  Of course not dear sister.

    I encourage you to do your own research.  A man has made a claim that Imam Mahdi and Messih has come.  He has proven so through the Qur'an and the Hadeeth.  It is between you and Allah to determine if he is true or not.

    Muslims who have accepted the Messiah number in the tens of Millions and are in every single country of the world.  We are the only Muslims united by a Khalifa to whom we all are obedient, just as the early Muslims were united and obedient to a Khalifa of Allah.

    The best website to start from is

    Also you can go on YouTube and search "Revival of Faith" to see an excellent documentary - very informative and entertaining.

    May Allah always be your guide.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. i cud only find this for now

    and if you have a question on something specific, I think one of the Ahmadis can answer you.  But I would strongly suggest to not take any of their ideas and beliefs...

    i think you won't... but just saying to emphasize!!!

  3. Ahmadis are a group of people who believe that Mohammad  was not the Last Prophet of Allah. They belive in Ghulam Ahmad who declared himself as a Prophet of Allah in India in early 20th century contrary to the teachings of Quran and statements of Propphet Mohammad being

    the last Prophet of Allah.  Ahmadis call themselves Muslims but majority of mainstream  Muslims do not accept them as Muslims. Saudi Arabia and almost all Muslims do not accept them as Muslims. For this reason Ahmadis are banned to enter in Mecca or Madina by Saudi Government. They can not perform Haj unless they lie in their passport and call themselves Muslims and followers of Prophet Mohammad as the last Messenger and Prophet of Allah.

    Many Ahmadi's are highly knowledgeable about the teachings of Quran and Hadith of Prophet Mohammad.  Since they are not considered as Muslims, main strean Muslims do not read the literature writtenby

    Ahmadis and for this reason we do not know much about Ahmadis.

  4. No, its not.

    First of all Qdiyani claimed that he was merely a reformer. After awhile he claimed that he was al-Mahdi who would come before the Last Hour as reported in Ahadith. Then he claimed that he was a prophet and his prophethood is above the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). He wrote many books such as 'Izalat al-Awham' (removing the doubts), 'Iajaz Ahmadi' (Miracles of Ahmad), 'Braheen Ahmadiyah' (proof of Ahmadi ), etc.

    He and his followers believe that Allah, fasts, performs prayers, sleeps, commits mistakes, etc. They also believe that their lord is an English since he speaks with him in English. This is clear evidence that he was made by English government in that time only to serve their cause. They also believe that the village where he was born is better than Makkah and Madinah. Everyone who does not enter in this village (Qadiyan) is not a Muslim, they also permit using drugs. All Muslim scholars from all the parts of the earth refute his claims and issue a decree that he and his followers are out of the fold of Islam. In 1394 A.H (April, 1974) a big conference was held under the supervision of Muslim World League. The representatives of all Muslim organizations from the entire world took part in that conference and they unanimously passed a resolution that Qadiyani and his followers are not Muslims.

    False beliefs they have.

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

    Edit: no.  al-Qadiyani  was nothing but an imposter, his full name was  Mirza Gulam Ahmad al-Qadiyani  who was born in 1839 A.D in a village (Qadiyan), in the province of Punjab, in India.

  5. Salam Dear sis,

    It saddens me to see that normally knowledgeable people like Maria {Evergreen} pretend to have knowledge about something they know obviously nothing about, especially since many believe what topcontributors like her say blindly.

    Let me tell you i an not an Amhadiyya myself, but i like to do as the Quran teaches me and that is researching things before believing them blindly. This was the case with Ahmadiyya for me. I saw and heared so many strange, wild stories about them here, that i wanted to verify if it was all true.

    Thanks to people like 1qfactor and the website he give you the link to, i found out that most of it was a bunch of lies. The only thing that is right of what Maria typed, is that they do believe that the Madhi and Messiah has already come, in the form of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

    In 1974 a council made up of all 72 other sects decided that they could actually sit on the chair of Allah Almighty and declared the Ahmadiyya kafir, because the believed in a prophet after Mohammad (PBUH). They are even not allowed to go to Mekkah to do the hajj.

    Very dangerous i believe, because Ahmadiyya follow the 5 pilars of Islam like all other sects do. Our beloved prophet (PBUH) said: 'If you declare some one a kafir, and he is not Allah will consider you the Kafir.' So to me, they are my Muslim brothers and sisters.

    Since 1974 they have been horribly prosecuted in a number of countries, like Pakistan and later Bangladesh.

    Like i said, they do follow the 5 pilars of Islam, and Mohammad (PBUH) is the most important prophet to them too. If you would read on you will see that Ahmad will always refer to the prophet (PBUH) as Master and he is the servant of the prophet (PBUH).

    Again, although i am not an Ahmadiyya myself, i will defend them against the slander going on here, because it is wrong to spread false information and lies about them. I am in contact with more than one of them and i have never met more kind, respectful, caring and loving Muslims. They will never stoop to the level that some brothers and sisters of the other sects go to, trashing and bashing and slashing others.

    Obviously they must do something right, because last year alone 340.000 people converted to Ahmadiyya; of which many were mainstram Sunni Muslims.

    Their origin in not in the Arab world, but lies in a small village in India, Qudian.  But at this moment they have followers in 182 countries all across the world.

    Edit: it's such a shame that people can't face the truth. Thumb down me as much as you want dear brothers and sisters. It will not change the facts that you all so desperately try to distort!

  6. Yes, it 1 of the sects..

    They believe there was a prophet after Mohammed.

    &This is a HUGE kufur!!

  7. They are Non-muslims pretending to be muslim.

    Followers of shaitan gulam ahmed who claimed he was imam mahdi( the messiah).

    Beware of the ahmadi users in this section, worst thing about them is u can never guess they are non-muslims, they talk like a muslim.

    Few ahamdi users:

    1. The1fac

    2.Flower power



    and its not any islamic sect. their religion is different.

  8. Ahmadi is an Lip-Service Muslim group like shias.

    They have been out folded from Islam.

  9. theyre not muslim  

  10. The followers of all great religions awaited the advent of a

    Promised One in the Latter Days, as it is predicted in their

    Holy scriptures. The Hindus awaited Krishna, the Jews and

    Christians the Messiah, the Buddhists the Buddha and the

    Muslims the al-Imam al-Mahdi, as well as the Messiah. Under

    Divine guidance, Hadhrat Ahmad made the momentous

    disclosure that in fact only one such person representing all

    the Promised Ones was to appear and humanity would

    ultimately be brought into the fold of one universal religion.

    Hadhrat Ahmad(as)*, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim

    Community, claimed to be that Promised One who was

    awaited throughout the world, in various faiths.

    Over a hundred years ago, an

    amazing event took place in an

    o b s c u re and tiny hamlet

    (Qadian), in the province of the

    Punjab, India. It was an event that

    was destined to change the

    course of history.

    Hadhrat Ahmad(as) declared that

    he was the Promised Messiah

    and Mahdi and that his advent

    was in fulfilment of the various

    prophecies regarding the promised

    reformer of the latter days.

    The people who believe him and accept him as promised Messiah and Mehdi are called Ahmadies

  11. Allah will decide their fate inshAllah for spreading misconception about Islam !

    There is No God but God (Allah) and Mohammad is the (last & final) messenger of Allah !

  12. please if you want to be a real muslim just follow Quran and Hadith and not talk about sections.

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