
What is an Atheist to u ?

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one that flys around with one wing in circles




  1. To me, an Atheist is me, or somebody like me who also does not believe in god.

  2. an atheist is someone who believes in only what they can see...

    they are the lost souls who will cry in the end...

    if you deny God now ....he will deny you later...

  3. TO ME, an atheist is just like any other. I refuse to categorize people according to their religious beliefs. If you don't notice, that's a subtle and unnoticed form of discrimination.

  4. Some one who rejects the claim that there is a god. That's all!

  5. Is there really any question, in anyone's mind anymore, about WHY atheists call you people nutjobs?

  6. i am so confused.

  7. Your description of atheist sounds more like a wounded ego/sprit of dead christian

    Atheist/lack of belief in god/deity

  8. Foremost an Accidentalist. (new word but correct)

    There are many levels of people who call themselves atheist from what I have seen from purely scientific beliefs to a lack of wonderment at all.

    For the most part they are as such because they believe they must choose sides between science or religion. The truth is far more complicated than just that choice, for there is truth in both. To find the truth does not require the abandonment of either belief but the difficult step outside the bounderies of both.

  9. An atheist is someone that doesn't believe in God

    some atheists believe that everything in the world was created by science

    for example: the big bang theory

  10. Someone who holds no belief in any god or gods.

  11. An Atheist is a person who does not believe in god. Yes, it really is that simple.

  12. Don't quit your day job, hon!

  13. A moron that's too lazy to use any more energy looking into something else so they would rather just live as they please rather than "following" something.

  14. You're creepy.

  15. I volunteer at a raptor rehab center and there is a kestrel there with one wing.  The other day he panicked and flew around in circles, nearly injuring himself.  It sure didn't make me laugh.  I did everything I could to calm him down and untangle him from his jesses.  If God laughs at panicking one-winged creatures then he is a compassionless prick and not worthy of worshiping.  

    Makes me happy I'm an atheist.

  16. At least we have one wing. You have no wings hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  17. A rational person like myself.....

  18. Someone who disbelieves in any god(s).

  19. me

  20. Someone who hold the same opinion about your god that you do about Poseidon.

  21. nice bio reaper

    an atheist to me, and all people with a brain is someone who doesn't believe in god or deitys

    course, you already know that dont you

    thanks or the 2 reaper

  22. To me, an atheist is an ego maniac. Bottom line.  

  23. An atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods.

  24. Someone who complains about religion because they haven't gotten one of their own. ;-)

  25. I think an Atheist is a person who doesn't beleive in a God or higher being

    an atheist is also someone who sadly will not see eternity out in heaven but in the fiery depths of h**l if they dont accept Jesus

  26. me, an atheist is someone that is waiting for answers that will not be given to them until they die.  

    An atheist is just a modern day Doubting Thomas.

  27. Atheists are literally those who do not believe in the existance of a higher deity.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  28. The Bible says what they are.

    I trust God.

    (fools, wicked, do no good, not one)

    Only God can judge them, they are to lazy to do anything other than worship thereself.


    << Psalm 14:1 >>

    New American Standard Bible (©1995)

    For the choir director. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.

    GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

    [For the choir director; by David.] Godless fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They do disgusting things. There is no one who does good things.

    King James Bible

    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

    American King James Version

    The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that does good.

    American Standard Version

    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works; There is none that doeth good.

    Bible in Basic English

    <To the chief music-maker. Of David.> The foolish man has said in his heart, God will not do anything. They are unclean, they have done evil works; there is not one who does good.

  29. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the mentally challenged being allowed to use technology. Just not this bloke.

  30. The word ‘atheism’ comes from the negative ‘a’ which means ‘no’ and ‘theos’ which means ‘god.’ Hence, atheism in the most base terms means ‘no god.’ Basically, atheism is the lack of belief in a god and/or the belief that there is no god.  By contrast, theism is the belief that there is a God, that he is knowable, and that he is involved in the world.  Most atheists do not consider themselves anti-theists, but simply non-theists.

    I've encountered many atheists who claim that atheism is not a belief system while others say it is.  Since there is no official atheist organization, nailing down which description of atheism to use can be difficult.  Nevertheless, following are some definitions offered by atheists. Which ever definition you go by, atheism denies God.

  31. "A moron..."

    "An ego maniac..."

    These are pretty harsh words for someone you don't even know personally.

    Way to be Christ-like, guys...

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