
What is an alien shape shifter?

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What is an alien shape shifter?




  1. this spanner guy is crazy

  2. Obviously a race that has much better stealth technology than we do.

  3. demon

  4. thats that tool they stick in ya to suck out the fat

  5. Look up a guy by the name of David  Icke.  He has this theory that members of the Illuminati are descendants of reptiles who arrived on the planet from outer space.  He believes that their DNA is different from normal human DNA, although they can mate with humans.  Commonly known shape shifters in Icke's theory are the members of the Brtish royal family, most natably the now deceased Queen Mother.  Another shape shifter, he claims, is Osama bin Laden.

    Shape shifters tend to be characterized by "high" levels of ambition and accomplishment.  For example, a lot of ambitious Americans connected with George W. Bush also are alleged to really be alien shape shifters.

    Icke also maintains that these aliens have interbred in many populations.  He thinks that the Scottish population has the highest proportion of this alien DNA.  It is a fanciful notion to me, since a guy I refer to as "Uncle 33rd Degree Scotty" married into my mother's family and caused nothing but trouble.  His family is seems to think it is superior.  Princess Diana is also alleged to have been horrified at seeing the Queen Mother shape shift.

    It is interesting to read about, but unfortunately I find it impossible to believe.  I wish the part were true about the Scottish, howeveer.

    The reptilian DNA, I guess explains why some people are kind of toady and lizard-like.

    However, if you believe in evolution, you would have to reconcile their different origins and with everyone's reptilian ancestors.

    Just look him up if you want to know more.  David Icke and his theories are widely written about on conspiracy web sites.  The book 'Children of the Matrix' by David Icke says more.

  6. an alien that can shift his shape...

    are you like 5?

  7. My 360

    click on the top of the page

  8. a person who is mexican but says he is puertorican. lol

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