
What is an intact f******n?

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i heard my friend talk about intact f******n. i have f******n and i dont know what that is. im 13 and have a long f******n but cant pull it back yet. i thougt it was about pissing and the f******n because when i p**s it doesnt come out straigt away but i have to press the tip of the f******n so the p**s can go out straigt and not move around because my f******n gets in the way.

so what is an intact f******n and how long does it take to look like an adult p***s?




  1. yeh i think u have it

  2. If you have a f******n, then your p***s is intact, and has not been circumcised, which is a good thing!

    If you can't pull your f******n, it is probably just a little tight.

    A tight f******n is surprisingly common and can usually be self-treated at home in private.

    It involves stretching exercises (ideally in the bath/shower) to make it easier to pull back. Be patient, because it must be stretched daily over several weeks, but it will be worth it in the end!

    The below websites have some good advice:

  3. dont worry about it, this is good one, u can do good s*x with your partner, it will give good temper and full satisfaction.

  4. I think you have it... because im 16 and i never had your problem.

  5. It means that the p***s has not been circumcised which involves the removal of the f******n. See******n

  6. an intack forskin is when a male has not been circumsiced.

  7. It means you have your entire f******n and it has not been cut off (circumcised). Circumcision is still done to about half of all US males but in all other western nations is a rarer procedure, unless you are Jewish or Islamic.

    Your f******n may become retractable once your p***s grows. If it needs a helping hand you can try stretching. Here's how.

  8. It could mean they meant intact as in not circumcised, or maybe they meant intact as in still attached to the glans possibly.

    Either way your f******n sounds normal. You'll probably be able to retract it in the next few years - you can help this process by gently trying to pull it back every day if you want, though don't force it.

    I guess as you go through puberty it will start to look more adult...some time in the next few years.


  9. Your f******n is intact,because no Dr altered a thing on it.

    You can try to pull it back by putting some drops of baby oil on the glans and massage that in:that will make the glans and the f******n more slippery

    Then retract it as far as you can:stop when it hurts.Hold it there for a few  minutes.

    You will see if you do this daily your f******n will retract way easier.

    At the end of your puberty it will look like an adult p***s,because from now on it will grow more and more:so be patient.


  10. You have an intact f******n, meaning that it hasn't been amputated by the male genital mutilation called circumcision.

    Stretching, done gradually and gently over a period of weeks, even months, should help you to be able to widen the f******n opening to facilitate retraction.

    In addition to pulling down on the f******n when erect, if you can insert a finger in the opening, you can also stretch sideways.   Baby oil will also help, and be careful not to trap the f******n behind the glans until the opening is wide enough for easy f******n movement when erect.

  11. Intact is a slang term for Uncircumcised. Circumcised is the norm for most white Americans and it entails the removal of  the f******n at birth or shortly after (although you can get circumcised at any age). It is cleaner, healthier and looks better. Most American girls avoid guys that are not circumcised as it is deemed dirty here! I was circumcised at 18 and can assure you it is the best thing I have ever done! It is much more pleasurable for both partners! I had no hesitation to have my boys (1&3) circumcised as I know there is no downside, only a lifetime of benefits.

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