
What is an news letter writting?

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What is an news letter writting?




  1. We have just helped to compile one for our allotment association - so some pointers, from that experience:

    Think about who you are trying to reach in the newsletter and aim it at their interests.

    Be informative. Have catchy titles.  Make sure all your news is correct, with people's names spelled correctly together with correct dates.

    Have a corner for suggestions.

    Give the newsletter a date or season, as if it is part of a series to come.  

    Use different fonts and photos if you can to break up columns of print.

    Write it in column, newspaper style.

    Perhaps do an article on someone connected with the people who will receive the newsletter.

  2. How To Write A Newsletter

    A newsletter is something that's informative

    to readers, and fun for the editor to write.

    A newsletter should begin with a comment,

    word, thought, or insightful share with

    readers. It is your section. Share

    something about yourself.

    Pick topics out of life to chat about.

    Did a stranger walk-up to you, thought

    you were someone else? Your furry friend,

    pet, helped you in some way. Were you

    published somewhere? You received a


    The full article is at:

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