
What is animal testing?

by Guest33637  |  earlier

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what is animal testing?




  1. animal testing is when they test products that will be used on humans{ sometimes lotion medicine perfume..etc.} on animals. it is really cruel because, most likeely the animals will die.

  2. Animal testing is when research tests are performed on animals, usually rodents.

  3. Animal testing is when people test human stuff on animals first to make sure i could be safe for humans , i think its kinda mean beacause some animals could die =(.

  4. It is were things that are going to be used for people such as medications, cosmetics, etc. are used on animals to make sure it will not cause any damage internally or externally.

  5. Animal Testing. Have you ever noticed that when you purchase a product for example shampoo for your hair, on the back it might say " hasn't been tested on animals" or something similar to that well that means that the people that had made this shampoo haven't tested it on animals, which is a good thing. But animal testing is when manufacturers when they creating there product if they need to run tests to see if it works well they will do it on animals.(It's not animals all the time but sometimes it is.) Basically as I said they run all there test on the animal and really don't care for it just think of it as a test subject. In many cases and most of them this results in the animal eventually dying due to it having a huge lack of not being properly taken care of and also since it has had many test run on it. There is a lot more information on animal testing that you can properly learn from experts on that subject I just highlighted some parts.  

  6. when they try products on animals

  7. just check out iams animal testing videos...

  8. I have no idea look it up!

  9. This is when researchers test products such as eye make-up etc. on animals to make sure the chemicals used in the manufacture does not effect the health of humans / consumers.

  10. when people test their products on poor defenseless animals.

    it's sick and wrong.

    when people test their products on animals it hurts or even kills the animals.

  11. it is essentially when big manufactors of products such as shampoos, makeup, medicine, certain foods, etc. test their products on animals first to make sure they are safe for humans. its cruel and millions of animals die from it, in pain nonetheless.

  12. Animal testing is when companies/manufacturers test their products (ie; shampoo, makeup, perfume, etc), meant for humans, on animals to see if their product is safe before they start selling it. Sometimes you will notice a little picture of, for example, a red circle with a line going across it, with a bunny behind it. That means it was not tested on animals (it will usually say that underneath the picture too).

    If you go to this site it will explain animal testing further:

    Animal testing is a form of animal cruelty! Millions of animals die from this, it's sick and wrong!

  13. its when stupid a*****e companys test their products forcefully on animals.

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