
What is art????

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I have to write a definition paper on art. Could anyone just tell me what you believe art is???





  1. through art artist communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings. instead of grammar, the language of art has principles. these principles are balance, variety, harmony, movement and rythm

  2. Art is passion put into any thing. Some artists put their passion into writing, sculpting, singing, painting, interior decorating. Art is passion in a physical form.

  3. Art is anything that takes form and meaning.Literacy,music and art all have form and meaning.They are put together with thoughtfulness to make a statement or to give a meaning,to enhance life or show issues.But mostly i think if you like something then you do,if you don't you don't,and do not enter the world of the 'emperors new clothes',in which people who can talk the spiel to  convince something is great and worth a fortune when it is actually rubbish,though if you like it.......???

  4. Art is only lines and shapes mixed together with color around the shapes and lines. Art can have value, form, and texture. Every painting has space, which is the area of the paper, it can be positive or negitive. Most artists use movement with lines showing movement.

    All the princibles are balance, symetricial balance, asymmetrical balance, radial balance, contrast, emphasis, pattern, rythm, movement, and unity. All the elements are line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space.  

    By the way, how old are you, and what grade are you in? I'm in 5th grade and 10 years old, I know this.

  5. A way for ppl to express themselves into something that you can pysically see...there hope that helps
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