
What is astigmatism and myopia?

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I went to get my drivers license renew and I failed the eye test.

I went to the doctor I have astigmatism and myopia in one eye.

they told me wear glasses

Now what

What caused this, what is it. Whats gonna happen to my eyes





  1. Astigmatism is an abnormal curvature of the lens of your eye that causes blurry vision.  Myopia is also known as being "near sighted" - you can see objects close up without problem but objects in the distance are often blurry.  Both problems are very common and easily fixed with glasses or contacts, so don't worry.  

  2. Astigmatism is when you see things blurred, not completely on focus.

    Myopia is when you see a very Narrow View of something, so you bring it close to your eyes in order to really see it. This happens when the images come to a focus in front of the retina, so it narrows the image down, and the person has to keep the object or thing close to the eye to see it.

    Don't be discouraged because there's help for it, specially when you have the problem in just one eye.

    It comes more difficult when both eyes are affected.

    It is a condition you were born with or that slowly developed. So, go to a good Ophthalmologist and he/she will know what to do and how to help you out.

    Don't worry so much, most of the time a special glasses prescription would do it.

  3. The typical lens, including the ones in your eyes, is spherical, and photons arriving from a small object are focused at a single point on the retina, regardless of where they impact the lens.  But there is a common lens aberration called astigmatism, in which the lens has a cylindrical component as well as spherical, and if this is the case photons striking one part of the lens will be focused differently than those striking another.  Thus, a glasses prescription contains a number to correct the spherical component, if that is off, and also a magnitude and direction for a cylindrical correction, if that is off.  Myopia is an error in the spherical component which puts distant objects out of focus.  The only real cause of these errors is simply slightly uneven growth in the eye components -- and spectacles can do a decent job of correcting them.

  4. Astigmatism = imperfections in the surface of the cornea that cause distortion in vision (clarity or sharpness)

    Myopia = near sightedness, difficulty seeing things at a distance.

    Neither are serious; they are typical reasons people need glasses.  Myopia can get worse with time, but it isn't a degenerative condition.

    If you need further explanation, ask your eye doctor.

    Good luck.

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