
What is being homeschooled like?

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Who is your teacher? Your parents or do they hire a special teacher? Is it boring? Is it fun since you're at home?




  1. this is the 3rd year were homeschooling our son. We as his parents are his teacher. I have asked my son if he wantsto go back to public school, & he always tells us, NO! He hated public school with a passion. None of the teachers, or the students are nice. I have yet to see teachers here in our area, that actually care for the  students. The schools here are lacking so much materials the students need. If us parents ask why they dont have it, all were told is thats NOT our worry! The h**l its not, its our kids there teaching! Its our children that is providing a job for them!

    So we decided to take our childs education in our our hands.  Plus, my son is alot happier too!  

  2. Well, let's see.

    Our child is in lots of classes and teaches herself math, so we don't teach her, nor does a teacher come to the house.

    Every day is an adventure.

    We are hardly ever home.

    All the best.

  3. You can do it online

    and your teachers just email you your assignments.

    its only fun if you have a car and a busy life. other than that it's boring kinda.

    and if you hate school, you'll hate home-schooling worse because it's alot easier to flunk out of.

    but i was homeschooled for my senior year on virtual learning and i got my diploma. it's not that hard.

  4. I do it online and it is super fun!! If I feel frustrated and like taking  break I can go do whatever I want.The work isnt "fun" but Its fun doing it at home. Plus I get a cool pink laptop!!! XD

  5. Homeschool teachers can be tutors, an online teacher or one that visits periodically that is hired privately or provided by a publicly funded school, or a parent(s.)

    My kids are younger than you, but I almost never hear "I'm bored" because they are constantly pursuing things that they are interested in. The older kids like having control of their time and having the ability to work ahead so they can enjoy longer blocks to do as they please.

    If you like being at home, you'll probably keep liking it. If you hate being at home, that probably won't change either. Our family has a lot of fun learning together both at home, in the car, and at activities.  

  6. mr freind is homeschooled and he loved it  

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