
What is being married all about?

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its two people who chair there life together,and that includes responsibility's,dealing with things that have to do with money,like paying the bills both finical helping another.right?




  1. i don;t chair my life with anyone, but i do sofa with my wife...

    i am Sofa King we todd it!

  2. It's about having the patience of Job.  It doesn't matter what happens you have to always be there no matter what.

  3. No a marriage is not just about that, its a partnership with the one u love and trust a partnership where u relay on each other to make the best and most righteous decisions.

    Yeah also there is the responsibilities of paying bills, house hold chores, looking after the family etc...

    Being married is the best thing in the world because u always have a shoulder to lean on or someone to brighten up ur day.

    But without love a marriage can't work, if u know that person loves u and u love them what ever difficulty may come ur way u will always make it threw.


  4. Financially, all should be shared.  All accounts should be joint.  Once you get married there should be no such thing as her money and his money it should all be in joint accounts and a budget should be done to see what can be spent on what.

    I answered that first because you asked about finances.

    Moreover, marriage is about love, respect, fidelity and trust.

  5. it's a life-time commitment between two people in-love...

    in sickness and in health

    for richer or for poorer

    for better or worse

    til death do they part...

  6. It is something that costs more and most are willing to pay...I am married and all too often, I wish I wasn't. Men usually can't or won't do a blessed thing for themselves, therefore: you wind up taking care of a grown man. Please think long and hard before you marry. Todays woman can take care of herself just fine.

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