
What is best? Dairy or soy?

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I'm thinking about baby formulas for my son and not sure if I should buy the dairy or soy baby formula. What is best other than breast? Dairy or soy? Please let me know? PS..Im definately going for organic just in case you guys ask and I already have a brand picked out. Just dont know what kind. My son loves rice cereal (I wish they had rice formula). :)




  1. Unless baby is allergic to milk, dairy is always the better and safer choice.  Animal milks are closer in composition to human milk than are soybeans, and soy may cause hormonal issues.  

  2. why dont you ask your pediatrician? you should consult your pedia first before you introduce her to formula.

  3. Dairy definitely. You don't want to use soy unless you must - because of the pseudoestrogens and there isn't enough fat.

    Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist.

  4. I'm not really sure which is considered "best" but my 7 month old son has only had organic soy formula. I had to supplement at birth due to supply issues, and soy was the first thing my husband bought. My husband believes that dairy is bad for babies and adults alike, therefore he didn't want our son to have anything to do with it. I no longer breastfeed and our sons doctor said it was just fine that he drank soy.

  5. don't give a baby soy unless you know there is a dairy allergy.  do you know that babies can also be allergic to soy? it's not the wonder food that people think it is. without going into nauseating detail about it, just know that soy is great for some things (like in its fermented state) but like any other food it needs to be used in moderation or it can be harmful.  baby's only organic dairy based formula is not only great stuff, it's very reasonably priced and doesn't stink like other dairy based formulas. check it out.

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