
What is blackmailing in your definition?

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Please, what is blackmailing in your opinion?




  1. Blackmail is using something- like information or a photo or something along those lines- against someone to coerce them (force them or strongly urge them) into doing something you want them to do and they don't want to do.  They have to do it or face negative social consequences.

    So, basically you tell your sister that you want her to do your chores for the next week or you'll tell your mom you saw her kissing her boyfriend on the bus.  

    A more severe form would be a congressman being threatened with incriminating photos of him and a girlfriend if he doesn't vote a certain way on a bill that's coming up.  (Okay, influenced by Hollywood!) The social implications of his refusal can be enormous (especially if he's married)!

    For more serious info on blackmail, laws and definition, history etc go to:

  2. It is a form of forced manipulation to control the behavior of another individual.

  3. well blackmailing is to force somebody to do smth for you..which is not  moral thing..i mean like..give this money..or i do this and this..or this or i say this and this..

    i think we musn't confuse blackmailing with smb does smth bad to you..and as a consequence you say what he /she said making a fool of him/her..

    both blackmnailing and reveange are not moral..even if we are hurt daily in the heart of the hearts..blacmailing or reveange would show we are not real christians inside the heart..and we still are proud..let God and the others acknowledge our value..

  4. yea hey in my opinion blackmailing is getting something from a person and saying that they are going tell everyone if you don't do what they say for example if someone got a naked picture of you and told you that you had to do this think embbersing or they would show the hole school the picture tahts what blackmailing means to me

  5. Any kind of threat in order to get something you want...don't you think?

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