
What is carpool or express way?

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Why do you need more than one person to go on a carpool lane?




  1. Carpool is a person driving with two or more.

  2. If just one person in one vehicle taking this lane then there wouldn't be a 'carpool lane'. These lanes are meant to save traffic congestion / jam. Think of it as riding the bus with lots of people. It's faster than taking the bus and you save gas money and car insurance. (if you're the passenger).

  3. Carpooling is getting more than one person in an automobile.  I know no one wants my opinion but all these vehicles have more than one seat, so USE the other seats...

    carpool lanes usually are labeled with a sign that has the letters "HOV" on them, standing for "high occupancy vehicle" lane.... then with a number designating the minimum amount of people that should be in that vehicle.  IE - HOV 2 meaning no less than 2 people in an automobile....I preffer HOV 4, most vehicles have at least 4 seats, use them.

    Express way is different;  express usually means a route without any/or limited amount of entrances/exits to keep a traffic flow moving.  The rules also vary, express can limit roads to automobiles and prohibit 18wheelers, or express can allow anything by merely separating local traffic and through (thru) traffic.

  4. Carpool lanes have been set aside to encourage carpooling by having lanes just for car pools.

    I expect that if they get congested, then they will be increased from one such lane to more.

    The purpose of this is to reduce traffic congestion, because instead of one person one car, you have several people in one car.

    Obviously, if someone is caught in this lane with one person one car, they should be arrested & have the book thrown at them for auto traffic treason.

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