
What is college like?

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ok I'm Ash's friend, I'm 13 and I'm home schooled. it absolutely sucks cuz I've been doing it for 3 years now and my parents wont let me go back. so i look forward to going to college. i want to know what its like. what classes do they have? do they have cooking class? art? science? drama? gym?please give me sum answers. I'm dying for them. I live in Tennessee so i need to know what kind of colleges are best for me. p.s. i also need some1 to hook me up on the latest slang that kids are saying today.lolol




  1. you're very independent. theres no cliques like highschool, and its easy to make friends. partying is fun


  2. i am a college professor and i have been in many colleges

    place like harvard:

    get you drunk and kick your a s s

    place like community college:

    let's just say if you graduate its a miracle and allah loves you



  3. Well...people go to college to learn more about a specific field. Especially at universities, the amount of courses offered runs in the hundreds and probably thousands. Sometimes classes aren't given one year but they are the next so people within the same major may have different electives. As far as "gym classes" there are courses in the athletics department on martial arts, basketball, volleyball, dancing etc.

    There are theater majors for art, dance, drama and mainly anything you want to learn. Although the class may be in a different major. If you want to know more, pick a college you are interested in and look for course listings which are grouped by major. Every school should have one and most carry brief descriptions of each class as well.

    College is very exciting and fun, but especially with all the freedom it can give you, you need to make sure you don't get carried away and neglect your studies.

    Here is a list of colleges and universities in your state although you can look elsewhere as well:  

  4. College is what you make of it.  It can either be the best experience of your life or a crummy transition period.  In college you have to select a major, for example Economics.  You need to take classes to fulfill your major requirements, in this case low level economics classes, and more specific and challenging upper level economics classes.  To graduate from college you also need to fulfill graduation requirements so they can ensure that you received a "balanced education."  In this example you would probably need to take some Humanities classes such as english or history, and some math classes.  The beauty of college is that you can take the classes you want because there are several classes that can potentially fulfill a requirement.  There won't be any gym classes unless you really want to take one.  I don't really know about Tennessee, but you should check out online rankings of colleges to see what schools are best.  And about slang... you couldn't handle my slang.  

  5. if ur rich and's heaven

  6. Fun if you have enough money....PAIN if you dont have

  7. What you need to know about college is it isn't high school. You go to college to focus on one specific area so it's not like what you're doing now learning a bunch of things. In the beginning you'll take general education courses (math, science, history, English, etc.) but after that you usually take specific courses for your major and little else.

    But, anyway:

    Cooking: My university doesn't have a cooking class, but you can become a chef if you go to a technical school where they will teach you in a couple of years everything you need to know. There might be an extracurricular cooking class or a club but it varies by college.

    Art: My university does have an art class but unless you plan on majoring in that it would be better to just join an art club.

    Science: All universities will have science classes, but the choices you have for them are huge. They're not like right now where you have biology, physics, or chemistry. They're much more specialize. Neuroscience, behavioral science, engineering science... there are a ton but unless you're going to have a job where it's important you probably won't do those classes.

    Drama: To get into any sort of drama class at my university you pretty much have to be a drama major because otherwise your chances of getting into a class are very slim because they get full QUICK.

    Gym: My university has its own fitness area but there are no gym classes. Taking a physical class is entirely optional for you.
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