
What is conscientious discipline?

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How can I teach my preschooler to use "conscientious discipline" to help make good choices?




  1. making good choices can be taught at this age! it's so good to see you asking about this.

    with a preschooler, it's important to teach them about making choices. when introducing the concept of making choices. in the morning, lay out two outfits for your child and let them choose what to wear. for snack, allow them to choose between two healthy choices. if he/she says they want cookies and that's not a choice, say, 'i'm sorry, cookies are not a choice. your choices are a granola bar or an apple. if you can't make a choice, i will choose for you.' only give a second shot of choosing and don't let it turn into a battle. this will help in the whole basic concept of making choices.

    as your child becomes more comfortable with the idea of making choices, it's helpful to bring it up often. when your child may get in trouble for something, you can reiterate that the choice they made led to the consequence. i see parents of preschoolers who have some behavior problems and the parents don't even want to take responsibility for their choices! for example, it's a parent's choice when their child goes to bed, not the kid's choice. yet the parent wants to blame it on the kid giving them a hard time at bedtime. maybe if we can teach our preschoolers about choices now, they won't be a generation of adults making excuses for their life choices.

    here's a link to an article called "Child Discipline: Everything Parents Need to know about Child Discipline" It says right in the article:

    "The goal of child discipline is to teach your child to make increasingly better choices."


    here's the website about conscious discipline:

  2. umm, at that age it would be kinda hard you should probaly wait until their a little older

  3. arnt they like too young idk just me

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