
What is democracy ?

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What is democracy ?




  1. its a regime ruled by reverse horses and fibers of cydonia

  2. LOOK around the World and tell me where is DEMOCRACY?  Which country has it?  It should be read like this: DEMO - Crazy.!!!   Most countries behave like that.  They act the way like crazy kids, quarrelling, rushing & pushing, hitting and kicking like an angry kid.

    Look at Taiwan past Govt --their parliament sessions with fighting and throwing shoes.  The Italian Govt with all kinds of parliamentarians.  The American, with Black & White stories and so...on & on.  There are many many more....for you to search.

    Democracy means freedom, equality, openness, fairness, etc, etc, etc.   Always taken in contrast to Communism which is said to be the opposite and now the Socialist, who is in between so to say.   In S'pore there is the practice of Social-Democrate, a combination of two with the best.

    Politic is a very misunderstanding subject and need to peel layer by layer to see the true colour/s beneath.  Something new might come  out of this generation as the world matter is switching from West to East and there will be a EAST EAST Matter Soon.

  3. In political theory, democracy describes a small number of related forms of government and also a political philosophy. Even though there is no universally accepted definition of 'democracy', there are two principles that any definition of democracy . The first principle is that all members of the society have equal access to power and the second that all members enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties.

  4. the government picking your presidential canidate for you
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