
What is empowerment?

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What is empowerment?




  1. Turning the key and going vroooom.

    The Hitchiker

  2. Being equipped with ability .But since you categorised this under gender and women studies, I think you are referring to women's ability to stand their ground, and believe they are able to accomplish things. Having confidence in oneself.

  3. It was formerly used as a term meaning to help become equal.  Give confidence and self-esteem to others and "empower" them to help themselves.  

    Basically for GW&S it means trample on your opponents, strangle them and ignore their pleas for mercy.  :D

  4. While I agree with most of what people have said here. The one and I believe most important aspect of empowerment is morality. Without a sense of right and wrong, empowerment becomes directionless energy.

  5. Any situation where women have an unfair advantage over men.

    As unfair as that is... men are expected to be "happy" about it and approve of it. If we don't, were "sexist pigs".

    Same goes for minority groups

  6. • Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.

  7. Power given to you.

  8. Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities.

  9. Main Entry: em·pow·er  

    Pronunciation: \im-ˈpau̇(-ə)r\

    Function: transitive verb

    Date: 1648

    1 : to give official authority or legal power to <empowered her attorney to act on her behalf>

    2 : enable 1a

    3 : to promote the self-actualization or influence of <women's movement has been inspiring and empowering women — Ron Hansen>


  10. It is a myth.  It is a concept which bleeding heart liberals and feminazis use to force women, minorities, whomever, to do things they don't really want to do, but must if they don't want to, somehow, 'let the side down'.

  11. I think that a woman is empowered when she realizes that she doesn't have to cave in to societal expectations. She doesn't have to put off marrying and childbearing until she's in her 30s. She doesn't have to be a career woman. She can marry young and have babies. She can rejoice in her femininity and let men hold doors for her. She doesn't have to have all kinds of s*x if she doesn't want to - if she wants to be a virgin until marriage, that's great. THAT is empowerment. I am empowered.

    A man is empowered when he realizes that he doesn't have to cave in to societal pressure too. He doesn't have to be a feminist. He can hold a door open for a woman and it doesn't mean that he thinks she's weak. He can pay for a date without being a chauvenist. He doesn't have to act in an effeminate manner in order to be "a modern man" or a real man. He doesn't have to cater to his woman's every whim, and he doesn't have to take her endless c**p in order to be a good or supportive boyfriend/husband. He can be old-fashioned if he wants, and that's fabulous. That is empowerment.

  12. Feeling confident and free in your beliefs and abilities?
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