
What is energy drinks?

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Is it good for health?




  1. no.

    they have a ton of sugar, tons of caffeine, and a ton of other "natural" energy supplements.

    I would go with a cup of coffee or green tea if you need caffeine

  2. Most energy drinks are not good for your health. They contain way too much caffeine and sugar in them. Mainstream energy drinks like that have been known to cause heart and kidney problems. My friend drinks a monster a day and he is now going through his 3rd!!! kidney stone. Idiot... haha.

    Anyway not all energy drinks are made the same. I myself tend to stick with healthy energy drinks when I need that added boost. I buy FRS because it has less caffeine and sugar than most and has tons of antioxidants and vitamins in it. I don't crash later on in the day from it and I don't have to worry about negative effects on my healthy. I found it here in a free trial. Now I buy it directly every month, to keep me going.

  3. Energy drinks such a Red Bull, Amp, Full Throttle, and Monster and no good for you. They have a lot of sugar and gurania which is 3x worse then caffeine. There not good at all.  

  4. personally i think in moderation they should be ok BUT there is caffeine in them and people in general are taking in way too much caffeine from these drinks which can cause health problems.  most energy drinks have the equivalent to 1 cup of coffee in them.

    i once drank 7 cups of coffee (don't ask why!) and felt like my body was shaking from the inside out and my heart was going to beat out of my chest!!!!

  5. They have all this c**p in them so most say no but I dont care. I still drink them.
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