
What is gender..?

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In our brains, does it even exist?

Without mentioning your body (this includes hormonal levels and chromosomes), without mentioning how "feminine-acting" or "masculine-acting" you are, without telling me that you like tap dancing instead of wrestling, and without saying you have a preferrance for girl clothes over boy clothes or viceversa... Do you know what your gender is, and how do you define it? What does it mean to "feel like a man" or "feel like a woman"?




  1. I think there really is no way of defining gender. We are taught from a very early age how a man and woman behaves and it is backed up with the governments opinion of what marriage is. It all forces us into a role that for many is a painful lie. For a few who can change their gender physicaly, they are still the gender that they are born with. In my opinion...And I mean no disrespect to those who have changed gender physicaly...You are both a man and a woman regardless of what you were born with. You don't need surgery to be a man or woman. I am very accepting of others but other people have been less accepting of me. I am a woman by birth, but I hate it. I hate the superficial woman c**p. I hate being subjected to men who treat me like a slave. I want someone who is faithful, honest, and loving no matter what gender they are. Does gender really matter? that should be the question to ask. If you have a SRS and you are no longer the gender you were at birth you may believe you are the opposite s*x, but the doctors will always know, when you get blood work done, that you are not who you want them to see. And for those with genital defects what is gender to them? How can they define gender when they are confused themselves. I hate being classified under gender. I am not a man or a woman. I AM A HUMAN BEING! A sentient creature with a desire to break free from the comformity of society. I am not a sheep left checking the box male or female. I neither dress feminine nor do I dress masculine. I dress both as I feel inside I am also both male and female.

  2. well most of what we know about gender is what is programed into us from childhood. some people just learn one way or another for many different reasons. and if you think about that you would see how a lot of people become the people we are based on what we see around us. as we grow up, are parents influence us very much, even in ways we dont realise. negative comments about this or that. have a lasting subconscious effect of are psychie. and then as we begin to interact with the out side world, more and more people bring there preconcived notions on who some one should act basid on the gender we are.
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