
What is getting a septoplasty like?

by  |  earlier

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I have a severely deviated septum (my doctor said on a scale of 1 through 10, my nose was a 9). I'm only 13 and I am probably getting it done during thanksgiving break.

Does it hurt to get blood drawn? I just got a chicken pox shot, a meningitis shot, and the first installment of the HPV shot. Does it hurt worse than those? Is it sore?

How about the IV? Are you already drugged up so much it doesn't hurt? or what? Does the anesthesia (sp?) kick in quickly? Does it hurt to get it out?

what else will they do pre-surgery for a septoplasty? does it hurt really bad afterwards? i'm sorry that i have so many questions, i'm just really curious. basically just tell me everything you know about surgery and that'd be awesome.




  1. You will be fine!

    I had a septoplasty, and the worst part is actually the nasal packing which they sometimes place in your nose after the procedure.  Otherwise, they give you anesthesia, and the procedure just happens.   Once it is over, they will give you medications for discomfort, but I never had pain from the septoplasty after the first day.

    The IVs are uncomfortable, and the insertion is worse than the injections you had.  But there is less residual discomfort as the needle does not go into the muscle as the injections you have had.

    The key is to relax.

    I have had hundreds of IVs.  In fact I often let students practice IVs on my veins, before I sent them to work on patients. I have blood drawn at least once a month, and I now don't even notice the veinipuncture.  You just need to relax, and understand that the people taking care of you will not cause any more discomfort than is required.

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