
What is good brain food?

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Can anyone please tell me any foods which are good for the brain? I want to go on a diet that can help my brain perform at its optimum.




  1. i disagree with the answers above.  First, there is no evidence that eating foods containing neurotransmitters will boost efficiency of your brain.  The neurons still have to manufacture their own neurotransmitters from precursor (dopamine and norepinephrine from tyrosine, serotonin from tryptophan, etc.) As long as there is an available supply of the essential amino acids, neurotransmitter production will continue and more precursors don't actually create more neurotransmitters, this is not a substrate limited reaction.  The rate of neurotransmitter synthesis is regulated by other factors.

    Secondly, there is alot of evidence showing that high carbohydrate meals can actually make you sleepy, decreasing brain function.  And unless you are in a starvation mode, there will be plenty of carbohydrates to feed that brain of yours.  Eating high amounts of carbohydrates does NOT increase brain function in the immediate future or long haul.  A dearth of carbohydrates can, though, decrease brain function if it occurs for a prolonged period of time.  

    I bolieve that the food which will be most beneficial for brain function is omega-3 fatty acids, usually found in fish and seafood.  These types of fatty acids are preferentially used in the brain and are present in glial cells, astrocytes as well as neurons.  Furthermore, research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease the accumulation of beta amyloid and tau proteins in the brain leading to improved memory and other functions.

    So these types of essential fatty acids have a protective effect on the heart, the vascular system, prevent artherosclerosis, improve brain function and memory, and are neuroprotective against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.  What more could you want?

  2. Carbohydrates are the brain's prefered source of energy.

    "When carbohydrates are ingested they are broken down into glucose and stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. Glucose circulates in the blood, also known as blood sugar. This is used mostly by the brain and nervous system for energy. The brain uses a whopping 70 per cent of the available blood glucose. If your brain cells are deprived of glucose, mental power will suffer and because your muscles are controlled by the brain might leave you feeling weak and shaky. Nervous system being deprived of glucose can leave you feeling tired, impair reaction time and leave you lethargic. So limited carbohydrate intake may be the reason for those times where you know you didn't perform your best, physically but also mentally."

  3. Hi  =]

    The foods we eat affects our brain performance. It has been proven that by eating the right food, you can boost your IQ, improve your mood, be more emotionally stable, sharpen your memory and keep your mind young.

    SO -

    Acetylcholine rich foods (which include): egg yolks, peanuts, wheat germ, liver, meat, fish, milk, cheese and vegetables (especially broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower)

    Dopamine rich foods include all proteins (meat, milk products, fish, beans, nuts, soy products). 3-4ounces of protein will help you to feel energized, more alert and more assertive.

    Serotonin rich foods are carbohydrate based  e.g., pasta, starchy vegetables, potatoes, cereals, breads.

    Hope this helped =]

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