
What is gulie berries syndrome?

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What is gulie berries syndrome?




  1. what is guile berries syndrome

    I DON'T NO

  2. Do you mean guillian barre syndrome? There is a very informative article on Web MD about this autoimmune disorder.

  3. Guillian- Barre Syndrome is a somewhat rare syndrome that's said to only occur in about 100,000 people in the U.S. a year I believe. My cousin had this syndrome a few years ago. It started off as flu like symptoms and then headaches. It kills off the nerves on your body called "myelin tissue"and you can become completely paralyzed. My cousin started with a headache and then the nerves on her face became numb so she couldn't feel it or smile or frown. Then within a week she lost movement in all her body! It happened so fast. But although this seems like a very scary syndrome mostly everyone that gets this syndrome makes a full recovery and the death rate is really low. My cousin had to learn to walk again and she had to take steroids for quite sometime to help her body recover. But thankfully and within 6 months of having been diagnosed with this syndrome she had already started walking and regained most of the feeling in her body. Her face nerves where the last nerves she recovered. Despite what the doctors said; she recovered at a miraculous rate.

  4. Guillain-Barré syndrome is an uncommon disorder that causes damage to the peripheral nerves. These nerves send messages from the brain to the muscles, instructing the muscles to move. They also carry sensations such as pain from the body to the brain. The nerve damage often causes muscle weakness, often to the point of paralysis, and can cause problems with sensation, including pain, tingling, "crawling skin" or a certain amount of numbness.

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