
What is happening to me!!!!?????

by  |  earlier

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I am currently on day 22 of my cycle. I believe i ovulated on day 18/19 for the first time in 18months.(100mg of clomid)

Yesterday I had a really sharp pain on my right side that lasted about half an hour!!!! I've just been to the loo and I am spotting!!!!

What is it?..I had this last month for 10days before my period but i didn't ovulate...

Could it be implantation bleeding...??

I am so upset, I was over th moon that i had ovulated....Now this!!!!

Serious answers only please.





  1. could be implanting but hard to say, try to stay relaxed know its a lot easier said than done but more relaxed you are about ttc the better the chances are - I know its really hard though.

    It does sound postive, keep looking on bright side and try not to worry - just think you have ovulated!!! so there is a real chance!!! stay positive - all the best really hope good news for you x

  2. Check with a doctor straight away. You don't want to take chances!

    Even if this isn't serious, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

  3. it could be implantationon bleeding like you said, wouldn'tnt worry to much that you ovulated a little later on day 18/19 as clomid can sometimes do that, and the pain in your ovary i wouldn't worry about that too much either it's prob just the clomid side effects i had it all throgh my last cycle till i had my af.

    you could ring up your gynocolist secrty just to check

  4. It could be implantation bleeding, but I doubt it. Iwould check with your doctor. you might have an infection.

  5. It could be a sign of ovulation, some women get that sharp pain like you are describing and also spot a bit when they ovulate.  Whenever you have strange cramping, pain or bleeding you should check with your Dr.  Good luck to you!  :)

  6. i am  trying to conceive and the same thing happened to me i thought i was pregnant but nothing i think u should go 2 ur doctor and c whats wrong

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