
What is he trying to say?

by Guest64811  |  earlier

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there is a guy that i have been good friends with for a year now. we were romantically involved in the begining, then it tapered off, and in the last two weeks it has picked back up again. we have NEVER dated. he is known for treating a girl great, then talking horribly about her behind her back. however, according to about the two dozen mutual friends of ours (some of which are MY family) i am the only one he has never said one bad word about. last night, his best friend told me that the other day i was brought up in conversation, and he said "i love that girl to death, but i just have a lot to take care of right now". well i cant get that out of my head, because i am trying to figure out what it means. its probably something simple, i know, but any help translating this statement would be much appreciated! what is he trying to say??




  1. you know what i would do, I would talk to your friends they might know if you don't know.

  2. It means he loves you but he is not ready to settle down. Don't push it.

  3. He didn't have the balls to badmouth you to your family. He doesn't want a relationship with you but if you offer s*x, he'll do ya.

    Why do women waste so much time on guys who don't really want to be with them?

    And- gee,  he is known for treating a girl great, then talking horribly about her behind her back.. makes him And you think he's peachy?

  4. he probably has to end it with someone else before he can begin a relationship with u.but don't ever think that in time he won't bad mouth u too,because a persons past behavior is a good predictor of what their future behavior might be like.if he would talk behind someones back he loved, he would do the same thing to u in time.

  5. Ask his best friend what this guy meant when he said he loves you to death, but he has a lot to take care of right now.

    You might want to ask your self if you want to some day get romantically involved with this guy and end up having him talk bad about you behind your back, the same way he has done with all the other girls he has dated.  

  6. Sounds like he wants to give you a taste of the good side of life, but he can't afford the time and energy to do it right now, not yet. Like the gentlemen advised above, don't push. Just let it be something that makes you smile in your heart.

  7. It means he enjoys your company but is  too busy to invest alot of time into the relationship. If  you want to be second place in his life continue this relationship. Also you have a reputation for being "taken" don't be so naive in future relationships.

  8. he probably has girl issues

    but nothing out of the ordinary

    maybe he wants to make sure that you are the one

    and be with you forever


    man are weird

  9. I think he is saying that he loves you but wants to get his life straight before letting you know.

  10. It could mean anything.  Ask him !  

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