
What is high school like?

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  1. Work, Homework, Learn, Train you to be an adult - And if you do something wrong detention.  

  2. Not at all what it seems like and is said to be! Thats what i thought when i got into hs. YEAH, there are some differences. Like the age group, most have been there done that. But its not like you get picked on for being 'fresh meat' and no the older boys dont always try to talk to you. My best advice though is WATCH YOUR FRIENDS AND PICK THEM WISELY because in high school things change but most important PEOPLE change.

  3. I'm in 10th grade, and I looove high school. You have a lot more freedom than you did in middle school. You feel more independent, and more mature. It's really important to make friends so you should definitely opt for that. Be pleasant, and keep your grades up. Do NOT put off assignments (I did that last year... big mistake!).

    That was my experience.

  4. depends on were u live, Small town HS r awsome cuz you know every1 but in big city high school not so much, tho still not bad

  5. Well it depends on what your goal is. If your goal is to be a top-notch student and to strive for the best possible marks, then life could be h**l-especially if you're not too talented. On the other hand, if you're goal is to have fun, and make friends, then high school is the place for you, because you'll meet a lot of new people, and there are a lot of sports teams and clubs to join.  

  6. a jungle your every step ..... or you might be dinner for the seniors

  7. I definitely agree, high school is like a jungle and it kinda important that you know all the "cool" people.  

  8. its...interesting. lol

    Well, other then that, it provides much more freedom and more challenges. You get to meet new people, choose from a variety of clubs and sports, and gain higher education (thus, prepare for uni/college.)

    The rest you should find out once you get there. That's what it's all about: surprises.

    Good luck and enjoy the four years!

  9. I LOVED high school. I loved all my classes, most of my teachers were great (except my P.E. teachers -- they always tortured me). The ONLY thing I didn't like about high school:

    THe other students.

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