
What is infantry (army)?

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my brother was going to be moved to infantry in the army...




  1. they're the ones that put all the bad guys to sleep.

    the infantry is very honorable and takes alot of courage, you should be very proud of your brother, some people talk c**p about the infantry but truth is, not everybody can do it.

  2. well, infantry forces are foot soldiers-individual troops armed with rifles, pistols, whatever. they go in on foot, on the ground, and shoot at enemy soldiers. infantry is primarily composed of footsoldiers-no tanks, helicopters, artillery-those are other services that work in conjunction with the infantry forces.

  3. They are the boots on the ground, or the ground troops that are tasked with moving on objectives, take and hold ground, and are the backbone of the Army & Marines.  They typically move on foot and are supported by armor, artillery, and air support.  When you watch a war movie where a bunch of guys with rifles and grenades are running around getting shot at and shooting other guys with guns, that's the infantry.

  4. What I did for 16 years out of 20 years...oh and the book defintion are here above too by the other posters.

    Good job gents and I wish your brother much success in the future in his new lifestyle.

  5. There the ones on the front lines shootin' 'em up.  

  6. Infantry are the combat arm that consists of soldiers fighting on foot with individual weapons. The other two main combat arms are cavalry/armor (the guys in tanks) and artillery (the guys firing big guns and missiles from the rear.)

    In the U.S. Army,  Infantry is given the 11 MOS series, and has two sub-categories.

    11B (or 11-Bravo) is the traditional light weapons infantryman. We learn to use all the basic weapons of the trade, rifles, grenades, anit-tank missiles, as well as how to operate vehicles like the Bradley IFV. Learning how to move and fight as an individual as well as a member of a team is a big part of the training.

    11C (11-Charlie) are the mortarmen. Along with most of the skills above, 11-Chucks learn to operate mortars, small tubes that throw small bombs at a high angle. Mortars can be devastating in the right hands.

    Infantrymen also have the option of attending Airborne School, attempting to qualify for the Rangers, or (if assigned to the 101st Airborne (Air Assault)) Air Assault School.

    It is a tough, dangerous job. But the battle is not over, the war not one, until an infantryman plants the flag in the heart of the enemy.

    The motto of the infantry is "FOLLOW ME!" The infantry are symbolized by the color blue (worn on the uniform as a blue cord on the right shoulder and blue disks backing the enlisted branch/US disks) and the famous crossed rifles.

  7. the standard foot soldier

  8. They are the foot soldiers, the ones on the ground.  The word "infantry" comes from the word "infant"..meaning someone young that has to be told what to do and when to do it.  

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