
What is it about Australia...?

by  |  earlier

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That just makes you adore it?

I was born and brought up here and I've really struggle with finding a word or sentence to describe what, exactly, is the charm that overpowers you when you live here. My friend from America recently asked me and I had a really hard time trying to describe it to her. Is it a thing that you really will only understand if you live here?

We're simple. Honest. Friendly. Slightly unsophisticated. But advanced enough to keep up with the rest of the world. We love our footy. Cricket is an obsession. Yet, in times of crisis, we really can come together as one.

The lifestyle can be as slow as you want or as fast as you want. The countryside is beautiful. The cities are rich with culture and vibrance.

I don't know what it is... Sigh. But I just love it.




  1. wow.. i 100% agree,

    and thats really good ,

    you should show that to more ppl and see what they think,

    maby even publish it o.o

  2. me too australias great :) im in singapore right now its nice but no compaisom

  3. i know how you feel i live in N. Ireland and feel the same way but love it for different reasons i just love the closness of the comunitys and the way everything is so close its almost like being in a cosey bed. :p

    Pride in your home land.

  4. Patriotic maybe or proud?

    Im Australian & I love my country (was just about to recite the National Anthem lol)

    Know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way.

  5. I plan on moving to Australia when I get older. I wish I was born there.

  6. ... and your question is????

  7. We're true blue mate and don't you forget it! LOL....

    We are mostly unpretencious (excluding sydney - lived there for a few years and grew to hate it).

  8. we are very multi cultural, and anyone can live here and fit in. thats how I see it, you have given the best description I have ever seen though good work.

  9. Its not America and doesnt have Bush as a leader?...hahah

  10. I love it too.

    One word? Awesome

    Oh yeah and we have the best beaches in the world too!

  11. ye go aussie!!

  12. It's a great place unless you come from Adelaide like me. It's gotta be the most boring place out of the big cities in the country anyway. This heatwave we're in is really disgusting! Wish i lived in Melbourne or Sydney.

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