
What is malthusian theory?

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What is malthusian theory?




  1. There are not enough resources for everyone so the distribution of said resources must be done in a manner that benefits society in the greatest manner.  Oil comes to mind right about now.

    Thomas Robert Malthus focused mainly on population growth.

  2. Basically, Malthusian theory is that human populations grow at an exponential rate (2,4,8,16...) while food supplies grow at an arithmetic rate (1,2,3,4,5). Populations, therefore, will outgrow their food supplies and either famine, disease, or wars will bring the population back down again.

    There is also that as wages increase in a society the birth rates increase and death rates decrease, causing an even quicker population growth. That has since been proven incorrect with wealthy western European countries showing negative birth rates.

  3. Yahoo answers isn't Google.

  4. Malthusian theory explains that penises and vaginas cannot support themselves as a dualistic human construct, so he indicated the botanical principles of Bainbridge to support that theory.

  5. Mathus predicted that the human race has grown too large and cannot sustain itself. He predicted mass starvation.

    Malthus regarded ideals of future improvement in the lot of humanity with scepticism, considering that throughout history a segment of every human population seemed relegated to poverty. He explained this phenomenon by pointing out that population growth generally preceded expansion of the population's resources, in particular the primary resource of food.

    Malthus argued that as wages increase within an economy, the birth-rate increases while the death-rate decreases. He reasoned that high incomes allowed people to have sufficient means to raise their children, thus resulting in greater desire to have more children which increases the population. In addition, high incomes also allowed people to afford proper medication to fight off potentially harmful diseases, thus decreasing the death-rate. As a result, wage-increases caused population to grow as the birth-rate increases and the death-rate decreases. He further argued that as the supply of labor increases with the increased population-growth at a constant labor demand, the wages earned would decrease eventually to subsistence, where the birth-rate equals the death-rate, resulting in no growth in population.

    However, the world generally has experienced quite a different result than the one Malthus predicted.Mathus has been proven wrong. Human creativity has more than overcome the problems of land use and food production. The only places where starvation occurs are where there are massive political problems and wars.

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