
What is meant by “minor races”?

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What is meant by “minor races”?




  1. the first thing that comes to mind is minorety races

  2. We are in the realm of Exoanthropology here but here we go.

    Minor Race is a concept in the fictional scifi based Traveller Universe are those races who are not Major Races. That is have not independently developed faster than light travel. Numerous minor races exist, some have been fully developed, some only briefly mentioned, in the Traveller background material. Minor Races can exist at all levels of technology and may have acquired faster than light travel from all sorts of sources from traders, or even reverse engineering ancient technology. Listed here are only a few of the minor races.

    There are thousands or maybe even millions of intelligent races in known space. Some have been described in great detail, some only mentioned, and many others not mentioned at all.

    As well as the three recognised human sub-species that are recognised as Major Races, there are at least 22 others classified as minor races (though some dispute this classification). Many human races are indistinguishable from each other though a few began from a small gene pool and/or developed in an extreme environment develop unique characteristics.





    Darrians live in a small group of worlds immediately spinward of the Imperium or the Regency. Such is the cosmopolitan nature of Darrian society that, within Darrian borders, you can find 'pure' Darrians, Aslan (mostly citizens of the Confederation, although a small number of Ihatei have been allowed to settle on Darrian worlds), Zhodani and Imperials. Darrians mass slightly less than other Humans on average. The Darrians are detailed in Classic Traveller Alien Module 8 "Darrians - The Secret of the Star Trigger"










    The Suerrat claim to be a Major Race as they independently developed interstellar travel. However this was based on generational ships, not jump technology, so the claim is not accepted by other races.



    A race shaped like bipedal salamanders. They are very interested in the proper ordering of things, and make excellent bureaucrats.


    The Devi Intelligence, an unusual K'Kree subject race, consisting of the sedentary Intellects, who resemble colonies of giant fungi, and their mobile spores, the Shiverbats.


    An eight-legged, matriachal minor-race native to the Spinward Marches. They rarely travel, but appear as colorful passengers in the Traveller Adventure.


    The Gurvin are a Hiver subject race. They are detailed in the books GURPS Traveller : Alien Races 3

    The Inheritors

    The fluorine-breathing Inheritors inhabit a Dyson sphere created by the Ancients, their whole society relies on technology they do not understand. They are detailed in the books GURPS Traveller : Alien Races 3


    The Inyx are a race of aquatic parasites who absorb electrical energy from their whale-sized hosts. They are detailed in the books GURPS Traveller : Alien Races 2


    The Ithklur are the most feared warriors known to man. To an Ithklur, Vargr plunder is a walk in the park; Aslan warrior spirit is the babbling of a toothless child. Other races make such a fuss over violence-why not just do it and enjoy it? To the Hivers, the Ithklur are their trained, elite shock troops, lovingly perfected by millennia of manipulation and social engineering. no finer tool has ever been fashioned. But as far as the Itklur are concerned, the have the Hivers just where they want them. Who wants to be a boring taxi driver anyway? if the hivers want to pretend they're in charge, what does it really hurt, so long as the leave the Ithklur alone? Who is manpulating whom?

    The Ithklur are detailed in the books GURPS Traveller : Alien Races 3 & Traveller the New Era - Aliens of the Rim.


    Lithkind are a tiny nocturnal race. They are detailed in the books GURPS Traveller : Alien Races 3


    Llellewlowy are a radially symmetric species native to the Spinward Marches, colloquially referred to as Dandelions due to a supposed similarity to that Terran plant. They play a part in the Traveller Adventure.


    The Loeskalth or Sky Raiders from Gushmege sector


    The Mahkahraik, which means “People of This World” in their native tongue, are a species of warmblooded, bipedal reptiloids native to Ma (Sydymic/Ley 3021 B865134-6). Full details of this race are available as a free download from QLI/RPGREALMS PUBLISHING


    Found in the Reaver's Deep Sector



    Vegans are an alien species from a star system near Vega. The are of some importance in the Third Imperium when they were granted them a small semi-autonomous state as a counterbalance to the racist Solomani Confederation.


    The Za’Tachk are a Hiver subject race. They are detailed in the books GURPS Traveller : Alien Races 3

  3. First let's clear a few issues: Everyone is a minority and secondly being a minority is not a bad thing.

    If you go to China you are a minority.Hispanics in the U.S are a minority.

  4. Minor Race is a concept in the fictional scifi based Traveller Universe are those races who are not Major Races. That is have not independently developed faster than light travel.

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