
What is meant by Bio Diesel?

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how is bio diesel helpful to the present world in dealing with the problem of pollution throught the world




  1. The true political meaning of Bio-Diesel is:  a desperate, irresponsible alternative to the current usage of fossil fuels that will create a new problem and not give a real solution to the current problem of climate change.

    The answer you are probably looking for is: fuel made from natural biological resources such as corn or sugar.

  2. Fuel Sourced from Biological places not petroleum based.

    first it is reduces carbon emission. which is all the environmental rage as of late.  Vegetable oil is the best source of bio diesel. One of the largest sources is the fast food industry.  this bring us to the recycling aspect. now we aren't dumping waste oils in land fills.

  3. It is alot cheaper and doesn't put off the pollution that other fuels do.It spells more like french frys,lol  check out this link on Bio Diesel.*g/biodiesel...

  4. A diesel can burn any oil even lubricating oil.

  5. Biodiesel is just fuel made from oil obtained from plants (corn, wheat, peanuts, et.) instead of oil from the ground. It produces less CO2, but produces more NOx. It does reduce the amount of fossil fuel used, but is more expensive and drives up the  cost of food primarily because it uses food for animals (Cows, etc.)

  6. Bio diesel is disel made from natural items like corn cobs.

  7. Bio-diesel is fuel made from plants and is processed to be an alternative to diesel fuel from fossil oil.

    The good news is

    1) It is renewable (you can grow more to replace what you have used).

    2)It is carbon neutral (the CO2 given off when you burn it is balanced by the CO2 absorbed in growing the plants).

    The bad news is

    1) It encourages people to think that they can go on using cars needlessly, which is wasteful

    2) It increases demand for crops and so pushes up the price of food

    The pollution problem and the fact that fossil fuels are running short can only be solved by simplifying our lifestyles (walking, pedalling, developing public transport, and buying less stuff), recycling and by employing technology to provide energy from renewable sources such as wind, wave, tide, hydro and solar power.  But the challenges and the simpler lifestyle are more fun than trying to keep up with all the stuff the neighbours buy so go for it.

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