
What is meant by aerobic cells?

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What is meant by aerobic cells?




  1. Aerobic cells are cells which require oxygen for their growth & survival. In the absence of oxygen, they tend to lose their functionality.

  2. Cells that require the use of oxygen to create food.

  3. Aerobic cells are cells which require oxygen for their growth & survival. In the absence of oxygen, they tend to lose life.

  4. cells that utilize oxygen in processes.

  5. HI

    aerobic cells are those cells which require oxygen(definitely without which they will die) for their growth & sustenance

    hope this helps you

  6. oxygen

  7. Cells that use oxygen for ATP to take place, mainly for eukaryotic cell. Cells that dont use oxygen as an element to ATP are called anaerobic.

  8. Cells that require the use of oxygen to create food are called Aerobic cells.

    They appear in the fossil record shortly after that (~2.5 Billion years ago). There cells were were able to use that 'toxic' oxygen and convert it into energy (ATP) and water. Organisms that could thrive in an oxygen-containing atmosphere were now 'best suited to the environment'.  

  9. aerobic cells are the cells which contains mainy oxygen to carry out process in our body.  

  10. Aerobic cells are the cells which need oxygen for there survival. They are generally bacteria.

  11. aerobic relates to: energy processes that occur in the presence of oxygen.

    hence, aerobic cells are simply cells that require oxygen to function, respirate and/or metabolise (react to produce energy)

  12. the cells that can survive in the presence of oxygen r called aerobic cells

    EG:the skin cells  

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