
What is mental abuse?

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What is mental abuse?




  1. HI there and I hope you are not going through it. It is harder to deal with than physical abuse. With physical abuse, you feel the pain, see the bruise and can rationalize that it is time to get the heck out of the situation. Mental abuse, picks away at who you are. It starts out slowly and you do not even realize it half the time. Little things, like, not letting you feel good about seeing you friends because it take away time and attention from your partner, and before you know it your friends have moved on and you only have your partner. Telling you to cut your hair, wear this or wear that, telling you and treating you like you are stupid, knocking your opinions, family, friends, music, hopes and dreams, and no matter how much you change for them, they are never satisfied and the demand become more and more. Telling you that you are lucky to have them, that you could not find anyone better, that you are a loser, your family are losers, your friends are losers, you look and act like a loser........

    Anything that makes you doubt yourself and makes you feel bad for being who you are.

    That does not mean that constructive criticism is abuse. When someone suggests something to you that could help you become a better person, or expand your horizons so that you can reach the goals and realize some of your dreams, that is not a bad thing.

    Abuse tells you you are not worthy of a better life and your dreams are  worthless, Criticisim, helps you find ways of becoming everything that you hope to be and then some, it provides you with information that helps you adjust the path you are on, it does not knock the path out from under your feet.

    Hope this helps

  2. yelling at people and telling them bad things

  3. Many things are mental abuse.  A person can repeatedly yell at you.

    Threatening to hurt you or your child is a form of mental, verbal and even considered physical abuse.  Continuing to put you down and say hurtful things to you and about you to make you feel less like a person.  It is the hardest type of abuse to get reported since it is often the abusers word against the abused.  

  4. Yelling at someone, insulting someone, etc.......

  5. Insults.


    buying everyone a toy,

    but you.


    and stuff.

    Just things that hurt

    your feeling and make you

    feel like p**p.

  6. When someone is being put down all the time, told they are useless and so on. Male abusers use physical abuse because of their extra strength, with mental being a secondary form, female abusers use mental as the main abuse with physical as a secondary form.

    And I am not saying that all women are abusive!

  7. When you always put someone down

    When you say that that person cant do something

    When what you say hurts someones feeling

  8. I don't think there is a such thing but if there is it is probably like child abuse but with people that have mental problems.  

  9. Mental or Verbal abuse is when you say hurtful things to someone to put them down.


    that would be mental abuse.

  11. Mental abuse can be like name calling etc. or anything that can cause emotional pain.

  12. Words won’t leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words!

    Being told you are “stupid”, “ugly”, “lazy” or “worthless” is mental abuse. The first times you hear it, it will hurt, naturally. In time you “may get used to” hearing it from someone. That’s when you start to internalise and believe it. When that happens you are doing the other person’s work of putting you mentally down for them. This is why your feelings of self-worth suffer increasingly over time.

    Somehow, whatever happens, however it starts, the ultimate blame is always yours,that is mental abuse.

    The feeling of guilt is something that many people suffer internally from. This is so painful because when you are held responsible for everything by someone, you cannot even protect yourself. Their main argument is that if you did not say or do a thing or the other, the bad thing would never happened.

    When you stop trusting in yourself and your own feelings and judgment, then you must know that the mental abuse against you has gone really too far. When you feel hurt or that what happens to you is unjust, you are in such a bad dilemma, because you cannot see how you can feel so wrong when the other one is throwing stones at you.

    The pain caused by someone can only be undone by them. You must make them acknowledge your feelings or, otherwise, you will subject to a continuous mental abuse.

    We all need to trust in our feelings. If someone once treats you great and then treats you bad for no reason, it is a case of mental abuse.

    When you are subject to mental abuse, you feel like you are on the verge of breaking something.

    Mental abuse turns your life in a nightmare, you feel the need to please the "someone", but at the same time, you hate what it is being said to you.

    Fear of the future and low self esteem are the main causes that hinder the mentally abused to move on. There are weapons you can use against them. As words were used to get you mentally down, now it is time to know that they can also offer you solace and self confidence. You must get over what happened to you and trust in your future.

    You must feel strong and believe in you in order to build up the life you want for yourself.

  13. putting down a person to the point where thier self esteem drops low

    and they think of themselves as worthless even though they are worth more for example you tell a girl she is ugly everyday for like a year (when she is actually beautiful) she will start to believe it.

  14. Mental and Emotional abuse can take the form of:

    Extramarital  affairs  

    Provocative behavior with opposite s*x

    Humiliation and put-downs  


    Refusal to communicate

    Use of sarcasm and unpleasant tone of voice

    Unreasonable jealousy  

    Extreme  moodiness

    "I love you but..."

    "If you don't shape up, I will..."

    Domination  and control

    Withdrawal of affection  

  15. For a child:   Mental or Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that attacks a child's emotional development and sense of self-worth. Emotional abuse includes excessive, aggressive or unreasonable demands that place expectations on a child beyond his or her capacity. Constant criticizing, belittling, insulting, rejecting and teasing are some of the forms these verbal attacks can take. Emotional abuse also includes failure to provide the psychological nurturing necessary for a child's psychological growth and development -- providing no love, support or guidance .  

    The second site has additional info on mental abuse

  16. Not physical abuse,

    but teasing ppl and intimadating ppl

  17. calling you names . Insults . yelling at you alot . that is all mental abuse  

  18. when someone degrades someone by using words.

  19. Speaking in a derogatory way to someone else that affects their self confidence, self image, etc.

    For example: telling someone "you're worthless and will never amount to anything" or "you're ugly"  

  20. when someone calls another a mean name


    if they are mentaly retarded

  21. Being cruel to someone else with words is mental abuse. So is dominating another person, controlling another person, or causing another person to feel bad.

  22. Mental abuse is when someone uses words to put you down.  Anything that effects your mind, your emotions.

    For example..."You're stupid", "You'll never do anything right"

    That type of stuff.

  23. a beached whale on hamburger buns

  24. mental abuse is putting someone down at all times, making him/her feel less than.  always comparing that person to someone else.  Anything  that makes a person feel as if their worth nothing is mental abuse. Example your boyfriend of girlfriend telling you, you can't get nobody but them to love you and comparing you to their ex.....

  25. when somebody says very horrible things to somebody else

  26. putting them down, insults, telling them they are worthless

  27. Dunno

  28. Mental abuse is so often overlooked, especially by women who don't recognize it.  We all know what physical abuse is.  The striking of someone using fists, objects, etc. etc.  Mental abuse is far more difficult to put your finger on.  If a person constantly puts you down...tells you you are worthless, unattractive, lazy, fat, useless...that comes under mental abuse.  Many men will try to control a woman using mental abuse (yes, women do it to men also).  You must be aware of anyone who tries to make themselves feel better by making you feel less of a person.  You should never ever be in a relationship where mental abuse abounds.  You don't need it!!!

  29. mental abuse can either be emotional abuse or educational abuse.

    emotional abuse is belittling someone, calling them names, putting them down, etc.

    educational abuse is failing to get your children to school

  30. Negative comments all the time.....

  31. treating a person in such a way verbally that it causes them suffering
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