
What is more brave ??

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To tell the truth and be left alone, or

To hide the truth and cause no trouble ??




  1. Ah this is my specialisation....always to hide the truth(but for innocent things)and be calm..Otherwise you have always trouble, and conflicts..The others can not have always the opened menatlity to judge, so it is better to avoid everything and say a lie and have your peace

  2. Always being truthful.

  3. I think the second because it implies uncertainty...

    you see, if you tell the truth knowing that you'll be left alone makes that truth just another statement among others. but if you hide it trying not to cause troubles, that leaves the possibility that one day that truth once revealed, to stir up problems.

  4. to tell the truth, though not to tell is a safer approach, in some cases...

  5. tell the truth and be left alone

  6. to tell the truth and be left alone o3o

  7. The truth may very well cause some people to flee if it is a "hard" truth, but it is better in the long run to tell the truth and be left alone.  

  8. They are equal in their level of bravery.

    The bravery is in the commitment to either decision.

    Wet end to think that a positive action is a choice and a negative action is an evasion but they are both choices and take the same amount of commitment regardless.

  9. I think it depends on what the truth is.  If you cheated on your wife, for instance, it is much more brave to confess the truth than to keep it a secret.  On the other hand, if you know critical information are captured and being tortured by an enemy, it is more brave to hide the truth.

  10. the truth

  11. well, depending on the matter. normally being honest and risking a friendship would be the brave and noble thing to do. but if you don't tell him or her, there could be a chance that the secret might slip out and that would most likely cause even more drama. but if he or she is your friend then they should appreciate you for telling them the truth.

  12. to tell the truth and solve the problems

  13. You should always tell the truth. But, if you do, and people leave you alone, then they're not really your friends. No matter what you do, lying will just lead to more lies. Try to always come will make you feel better!

  14. Hide the truth and cause not trouble  

  15. to tell the truth. But you can ask that question in a different way:

    What's more stupid?

    To tell the truth and cause trouble, or

    To hide the truth and cause no trouble ?

    It all depends on the situation i think

  16. To hide the truth and cause no trouble. :P
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