
What is more important to men?

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would a man rather have a women with a beautiful face that doesn't have a perfect body OR a women who has a great body and an okay face?




  1. Well I am female but I would say that they would want a woman who is in good shape and that looks aren't important.

  2. Perfect body & ok face for me.

    It really depends on the degrees you are talking about too. When you say not perfect body do you mean a lard ***?

  3. To be honest me personaly a rather be with a woman that respects me even if she is the ugliest person in the world

  4. a woman with a delicious body is fine with me

  5. Depends on the type of man.Some guys go for the former,some guys choose the latter and the great guys choose a beautiful-hearted woman no matter what her looks or body say.

  6. This is one that just depends on the guy, and on what you mean by a not perfect body and an okay face. Everyone is a bit different on what they're attracted to, plus it isn't all about looks - the woman's personality also makes a big difference!

  7. Hourglass shape.

    Size is highly subjective.

    The vast majority of male fantasies, regardless of age (that have not been damaged by childhood events) involve females with healthy curves - i.e. an hourglass shape (similar sized top and bottom with smaller middle).  The ideal width is a matter of personal taste.  It's accurate to say that the media and culture do influence perception about the ideal; but overall you'd be hardpressed to find any culture where males desire a reverse hourglass shape (small top and bottom, large middle).  This attraction to the hourglass shape is fundamental to nature in that males are programmed at the cellular level to desire healthy females.

    If you have an hourglass shape (even if you are plump) then there is a male somewhere who has fantasized about you.

    The face is the first hint of a womans soul and so males respond to beauty hoping the female looks like that on the inside.  But face alone cannot save you if your curves are unhealthy.

  8. Even though this is not the case, men should be more concerned about the woman inside the body than the body itself.  

    My ex was concerned more about the outside than the inside.  When my outside was not quite up to par for him due to surgery; well, let's just say again.  He is my ex.

    Shallow people (men and women included) don't know what it means to have a lasting relationship.  They care more about looks than the person.  The looks don't last forever all the time, however, the person inside generally does.

  9. that's a no brainer

  10. When men are young they look for the outside beauty face and body. they get older they learn that beauty isn't skin deep unless they are dirty old men

  11. I dont think they make paper bags anymore . But i would go for the body myself . But then again ive met woman with great personalitys and that did it for me .

  12. Body and Face change with time, pregnancy etc. the secret is the MIND, the person inside.


  14. I'll make that choice when the time comes. Why not have the best of both. Why should I settle?

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