
What is my game worth???

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I have a 1985 made by Trivia Games Inc. called "The Money Hunt: Reward $1,000,000. It was a game no board really just a clue book, and map of North America. You had to decifer the clues in order to find out where the money was located. Whomever found this first and submitted the correct answer on the offical form was awarded the money (in real life, real money). I have searched high and low on the internet and can't find anything on this or the maker. My game is intact, not played and in mint condition. What is it worth??? Thanks. Marion




  1. 35 cents

  2. 1 dolla

    You need to wait longer, then it will be worth some big bucks. Wait till the year 3000 & have your Great-Grandchildren sell it(even though that wouldn't benefit you) =P

  3. Did someone really win $1,000,000?

  4. is this what your talking about???

  5. You should take it somewhere were they evaluate antique things. it might be worth something good:)!

  6. OMG!!!!!! that is super rare on the market. you could sell that in an auction for about 2.5- 5 million dollars! I've never seen them on the internet either, but my great grandfather had one. It got burned in a fire though.........

    i'm not joking. It is a rare game. Similar to monopoly's real life game. It had over 2 million in cash in monopoly.

  7. Im not sure..but look around on Ebay..and stuff..and see what they have on there.

      I think i have heard of that game before! So..that is probably your best bet.

  8. Well Harvey, I guess you are the hot shot on the block. But do you own "Daddy's Got a Switch"? Well the game was made in 1975 and is about a shell shocked Nam vet and his surley children.

    You play the role of the children and the object is to hide Daddy's moonshine. This is where the fun begins. Next, Daddy's buzz wears off, but the screams of burning children wear on. Daddy goes out to the back yard for a switch, and then you have to hide!!

    If daddy finds the booze before you, you win. If he finds you, the other children get to relocate their posistion while you recieve a grade-A, Blue-collar whooop there it is!!!!!!

  9. since it's onlu 12 wont be much...possibly $50

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