
What is my violation?

by  |  earlier

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This morning when I recieved a violation for a question I answered. The question was. I am 10 I have a boyfriend and he kisses me in the mouth and I don't like it. What should i do? My statement to her was; Young lady I think at 10 years old you should not have a boyfriend. So what is the violation?




  1. you made sense. on Yahoo, making sense is often a punishable act.

  2. The problem was you called her a "Young Lady" whereas real young ladies wouldn't dream of getting physical at that age. They would have been taught to wait until a more appropriate time in their lives to explore an intimate male/female relationship. A more proper name would have been "misguided/unparented child."

  3. You should have reported the question, 10 year olds aren't allowed on YA. But yeah, I have gotten violations for very stupid things and Yahoo customer service is the worst.

  4. I agree with you!  Don't know what to say about the "violation".

  5. Doc, I assume someone thought you were being judgmental. I agree with your answer.  The problem here is that many Yahoo subscribers are too sensitive, If they don't like your answer, they will violate you.

    In addition, the customer service people are very poor at actually resolving appeals, ever siding with the violation.

  6. Well nothing really, they also delete my because i post that i like to kiss girls.  that is dom

  7. The rules don't always make sense :S, what probably happened was that your answer was not one she was looking for. She didn't want to be told what she should and shouldn't be doing therefore she reported you.

  8. its probably cos you didn't actually answer her question. in stead you gave your opinion. however i agree with what you said. there should be a kids section and an adult section. i don't mind talking to kids if its movies or music etc but for them to be able to ask questions like that...well, thats probably down to lazy parenting! if i want to ask a question about s*x or anything with a paticular adult theme i feel i can't cos some bloody kid might read it  and then i get reported! you can't win either way!

  9. What the he!! is a 10 year old doing on yahoo answers? Seriously.

  10. 10?!  OMG!!!!

  11. This is why I don't answer questions from kids. If they don't like your answer they get with one another and report you.

  12. None, the little brat who asked it probably reported you, that happens. I got a violation because some girl asked if she should f**t on her b/f's face, and she asked this multiple times; finally I said go ahead and do it but stop posting the question and I got a violation for that! None of it makes sense.
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