
What is normal?

by Guest65301  |  earlier

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What is normal?




  1. that which is similar to the majority.

  2. Anything perpendicular to the tangent...

  3. Normal is actually doing only what the laws permit you to do in your area and not look or act like the opposite s*x.

  4. "What society believes to be ideal.

    Not my idea. . . I prefer individual uniqueness."

    hmmmmm... if everyone was unique, wouldn't that make them all the same. You know, everyone being unique.

    I know this doesn't answer your question but it is a thing to think about...

  5. average....

  6. There is no such thing as normal. Normal is an opinion.

  7. normal=boring

  8. Normal is what you can expect or maybe you don't expect it but when you talk to others you may find out that others experience the same thing so it then must me normal (the aveage). In some places something might be normal but in another place it is not. So it is what is considered to be normal. It's normal for men in the USA to leave home in their 20's or  younger but in Italy it is normal for a man to live at home & save his money & enjoy his momma's cooking even if he is in his 40's. Normal can mean sane. Some one who keeps focused, keeps things together rather than crazy which means scattered.

  9. The highest percent of something; even if it means 20% it is considered the normal because all others have smaller percentage.

    So don't worry about normality. Humanity only remembers geniuses which come in very small percentage.

  10. It doesn't exist.

  11. In psychology normal has a broad definition

  12. Normal is society's definition of what is acceptable at the moment. Anything that does not differ from what may be the "norm", or in other words, popular. It is a taboo.

  13. What we have understood is NORMAL.

    What is not understood ....becomes abnormal

  14. What society believes to be ideal.

    Not my idea. . . I prefer individual uniqueness.
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